听,convertstion1女学生找教授问课程大纲上的细节因为自己错过了一些开始的东西(有考题),教授一开始以为她找不到资源、所以跟她说用学校ID号跟password可以在class website上下载资料. (此处问教授为什么提到password)然后女生就问了很多syllabus上不太明白的地方,教授提到一个周末去museum的tour。女生问什么时间,为什么她没有在syllabus上找到,教授说因为他还在跟museum的人协商具体的时间,所以还没给出具体的时间(此处有考题)。最后女生说这个tour可能要跟她的tutoring volunteer的活动有冲突很纠结,教授说 museum tour机会难得,又有好多好处,所以意思建议女生改变tutoring volunteer的时间 (有考题)。convertstion2 学生找教授讨论下学期全职实习的事宜,征求教授的意见,说他的一位女同学通过实习获得了reporter的工作,教授说实习并不一定能发offer,并且会影响到学习,学生说没有问题。
阅读1 Egypt:选都问题,为什么选择了一个叫做Ma的城市。第一段讲的是地理位置上可以control可以控制全国,囚为位置靠上.对比旧首都?此处有题,细节题,问为什么新首都比旧首都好?第二段讲的是从好济贸易上讲,新首部可以使统治者控制经济,因为新首都M是经济运输的必经之地。第三段讲的是这个首都可以提供pasture为陆路贸易,提供便利。第四段讲的是河道的问题。阅读2,农葯的使用问题。农药开始使用,可以减少虫害,但是由于害虫的繁殖速度快和可大量繁殖造成自然选择(是这个意思),同时农药还大量杀死的Predator.但是Predator就没这么幸运了 .他们不能大量繁殖,而且毒素通过实物可以传递到他们身体里,这一点造成了害虫数量的增加,最后一段提到了california的一种吃cotton害虫,很难控制.应为他们的竞争对手和天敌被农药弄死了所以农民不得不加大用农药的用量.
口语1.College students should be allowed to keep pets in their dormitories. What do you think? Please include specific reasons and details in your explanation. 2.One of your friends is usually exhausted for his work. What suggestions will you give to him if he wants to cultivate some personal interests? 3.If someone is visiting your country, what food will you introduce to the visitor and why? Please include specific examples anddetails in your explanation. 4.School is planning to forbid the use of cell-phone on campus. What do you think are the effects of the policy? 5.If you were making a donation, Which of the organizations would you be making your donations to? Environmental protection group,city library, Or animal shelter
写作1.Workers would be happier if they are doing different types of tasks during their workday than doing the same task. 2.It is better for a company to have employees who do as they are told than employees who think of their own ideas? 3.Which kind of jobs would you choose: a high-paying job with long hours or a job with an average pay yet with normal work hours. Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.