Do you think it's a good idea for people to grow some of their own food at home, if possible?
I'm convinced that it's a wonderful idea. Nothing quite tastes the same as home-grown produce and most fruit and vegetables are much sweeter and more succulent when they are freshly picked. You know that your produce has not been pumped full of pesticides and it can also save you a lot of money. Supermarket fruit can be quite expensive. I also know from experience that it's easy to do and very satisfying. Growing your own isn't rocket science and you don't need a big garden. I grow herbs in pots in my kitchen and tomatoes in a window box. I can thoroughly recommend it.
I'm convinced that=I believe
home-grown 自家园子里产的
produce 农产品
succulent 汁多味美的
freshly picked 刚刚摘下来的
pesticide 杀虫剂
satisfying 令人满足的
not rocket science 没有那么难
herbs 药草、香草
pot 盆、罐
thoroughly 非常、极其