
2019-10-09 14:21:56 来源:网络 作者:yawen



  1.同样品质的货很容易在本地市场上以较低价格买到。 Goods of the same quality are easily obtainable at a lower price in the local market.


  We are pleased to send you 50 sets of our computers on approval at our own expenses, and without any obligations on your part.


  We wish to inform you that we are specialized in the export of Chinese honey for years. Chinese honey is popular with European customers with its special flavour.

  4. 我们深信,贵公司对即将投放市场的这种新式电热器定会感兴趣。

  We are confident that you will be interested in the new electric heater which is very shortly to be placed on the market.


  You will find that the machine possesses many unique features which definitely place it ahead of its many competitors.


  Made of superior material with fine cutting, exquisite designs,latest styles and pleasing colors,these children clothes will surely make a

  quick-selling line.

  7.如果你需要额外数量的订货,我们愿给予1.5% 的折扣。

  If you require an additional quantity, we shall grant you a 1.5% discount.


  We can supply you with several variety of green tea, which has ever been exported to many European countries. Customers consider the quality satisfactory.


  We would like to assure you again that the goods we offer are of superb quality at a reasonable price.


  The two catalogues we are sending you include a number

  of new toys with which we feel sure you would be delighted, and we should be very glad to welcome you as one of our customers.


  Enclosed is Demand Draft for the difference of $57.29. Please let us have your acknowledgement of receipt.


  If the invoice is correct, your prompt remittance will be appreciated.

  13.请尽快寄给我方支票以结清去年年底之前的账款。谢谢。 Please kindly send us the check for the settlement of your account to the end of last year at your earliest convenience.


  Incompliancewith your request, we exceptionally accept deliveryagainstD/P at sight, but this should not be regarded as a precedent.


  As the amount involved is rather small, we agreed to draw on you by documentary sight draft.

  16.很抱歉,贵方订单中规定的付款条件不能为我方所接受。 We regret to say the payment terms stipulated in your order are unacceptable to us.


  Please remit the 15% down payment to us by T/T. Payment of the balance is to be made in three installments.

  18. 开立信用证费用很高,会影响到像我方这样小公司的资金周转,因此*好采用付款交单或承兑交单的方式。

  It is expensive to open an L/C and ties up the capital of small company like ours. So it is better for us to adopt D/P or D/A.





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