
2018-10-20 02:08:03 来源:网络 作者:Alice
本文为大家带来雅思写作话题之互联网的优劣势。首段为背景描述 + 论点 转述(正向 / 反向 ) + 自己的观点。


  雅思写作题目:In modern society, it is possible to go shopping, work and communicate via the Internet without face-to-face contact with one another. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development?


  首段 : 背景描述 + 论点 转述(正向 / 反向 ) + 自己的观点

  第二段 :支持/反对的观点 论点 +理由

  第三段 :支持/反对的观点 论点+ 例证

  第四段: 让步段 “让步+转折句”即观点的合理性,+对此观点的反驳

  第五段: 总结全文 +强调观点 +得出结论(提倡的解决措施)


  Science and technology developing rapidly, especially for the Internet popularizing, gives rise to various considerable changing and advantages , in terms of online shopping , relative money logger applying widely and enhancing the effectiveness of the work greatly, etc .However, the potentially detrimental impact from Internet can not be ignored, which is conspicuously embodies in the alienation between individuals and the deficiency of skills of effective communication .After the thoughtful and serious consideration , I prefer to harbor the above perspective that the Internet has its own demerits and localization more .



  To begin with, emotional alienation between individuals has been the irreversible tendency of the current society. Namely, an increasingly prevalent number of individuals in current society consider the Internet as the indispensable part of life to devote more time and energy into entertaining on it, unavoidably, to exacerbate the preference and awareness of everyone living in the self-centered world without too much considering the relation and emotion with others.


  Besides, the Internet disseminating and applying widely exerts the devastating impact on the social skills of individuals .For example, Individuals can tackle almost various issues and troubles in daily routine by using the Internet, inevitably, resulting in lacking of face-to-face verbal communication and coordination with others, even to lose the skills of coping with the practical issues in daily life in private with clear trait of thought and effective approach.


  There is no denying that the Internet not only brings about the convenient and fast, but provides the unprecedented platform to communicate with individuals without going outside, however, from another point of view, remaining within doors to communicate tend to exacerbate the emotional alienation between individuals further and emerge with the loss of skills of adapting to society and dealing with specific issue that confused them in daily life.


  On balance, based on the above analyzing and thought ,conspicuously , I firmly harbor the perspective that Internet has the compelling obligation to cause the alienation between individuals and certain loss of social skills due to its insuperable limitation .Only when we face up with pessimistic consequence triggered by Internet and take the effective and efficient way can we probably change the deteriorating social phenomenon .






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