
2018-08-27 23:03:45 来源:网络 作者:Catherine



  本文智课网为大家*2018年1-4月雅思口语Part2&Part3话题及范文,雅思口语话题地点类:听音乐的地方(Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music .)。此部分为旧题回炉、旧题复用部分,包含了具体的口语话题及完整参考范文,希望可以给大家*更多范例,让口语表达更加有话可说、有据可依。

  Part2&3 旧题部分——地点类:听音乐的地方

  Describe a place you know where people go to listen to music (such as a theatre or a music hall).
  You should say:
  Where it is
  What kind of music is performed there
  What type of people go there
  Why people go there
  And explain your impressions about this place

  Should children learn to play musical instrument?
  Should parents force them to learn music?
  Is music education important in your country?
  Some people say music is like math, do you agree?
  What effects does technology have on music?
  What are the advantages of learning music?


  Well, the place I am going to talk about where people usually go to listen to music is not a theatre or a music hall but a stadium. I think you must be very familiar with the name of this stadium, that is Bird’s Nest which is located in Beijing.
  I think most people get to know the name because of the Beijing Olympics Games, but after the Olympic games, it is used as a multifunctional stadium where concerts or competitions are held. Most of the music performed there is pop music. Jackie Chan was the first artist to hold a pop music concert there. After that, many other pop music stars like Leehom Wang, Wang Feng, and the band Mayday all held concerts there. Most of the audiences that go here are young people or middle-aged people. They are loyal fans of these pop stars. Many people even come all the way from other places to attend their concerts.

  Speaking of the reasons why people go there, well, in the beginning it appeals to people with the honor that it is the place where World Olympic Games was held. But later, the symbolic function is gradually replaced by its practical function. It is really a precious opportunity to see these pop stars. Especially to many people, those stars’ songs accompanied them through many hard days, so there are emotional reasons behind it. I have also attended a concert of Wang Feng in the Bird’s Nest. I think this is a beautiful place. Its appearance really assembles a bird’s nest, hence the name. The structure is complicated and delicate. Sitting in this stadium and listening to my favorite singer singing is something really special. The bigger size of the Bird’s Nest compared with other stadiums also allows more people to cheer for their idols. The concert held in Bird’s Nest is more like a party for fans.





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