
2018-08-24 19:57:11 来源:网络 作者:鄢玲




  More attention is paid to being “responsible tourists” in order to preserve the cultural and environmental aspects of tourist places. However, some people think it is impossible to be a “responsible tourist” in the society.To what extant do you agree or disagree?


  本题讨论人们是否能够为*护景区的文化和自然环境做贡献。题目是To what extant do you agree or disagree类型,可以采用一边倒也可以采用双边讨论。需要注意的是,文中有impossible这个*化词汇,一般情况下,建议对于*化的说法持反对态度,并在文中提出possible ways即可。

  其实本题的本质即为如何*护旅游景点的文化和环境,理解这点后本题就没有这么难了。题目中出现了cultural和environmental 两个方面,可以以此为突破口,每个角度各写一段。本文以一边倒为例,讨论人们可以从文化和环境两个方面来做responsible tourists.






  the prosperity of global economy全球经济的繁荣

  the advent of aquatic,overland and air vehicles水、路、空交通工具的出现

  the likelihood of……的可能性

  historical relics历史文物



  cultural asset文化财产

  tangible cultural heritages有形的文化遗产

  intensive publicity密集的宣传


  plaguing the local environment破坏当地环境

  uncivilized behavior不文明的行为

  make noise and litter around大声喧哗和随地吐痰

  watch one’s behavior注意某人的言行


  …significantly contributed to the boom of……促进了…的繁荣

  the concept of… has gained popularity…的理念已经很流行了

  …pose a great threat to…对…造成很大的威胁

  this problem can be settled through the positive participation of…问题可以通过…的积极参与来解决

  increase people’s awareness of*人们…的意识

  effectively make a difference to…对…产生有效影响

  have long been accused of…一直被指责…

  Worse still,更糟糕的是…

  pay little attention to…不关心…

  This is when…comes into play这是…发挥作用的时候了

  Driven by the fear of being punished,…害怕被惩罚,…


  The prosperity of global economy and the advent of aquatic,overland and air vehicles have significantly contributed to the boom of tourist industry. Yet,despite the fact that the concept of conserving the tourists attractions environmentally and culturally has gained popularity,some are still questioning the likelihood of being an actual responsible visitor. From my point of view,this query is implausible in neither aspect.

  The preservation of cultural heritage involves efforts from media. Damage on local historical relics like graffiti and vandalism caused by tourists have posed a great threat to cultural asset. However,this problem can be settled through the positive participation of mass media. For example,large-scale educational campaigns have been launched in many countries and the documentaries and public service advertisements about conserving ancient buildings,objects etc are also commonly seen in the media now,which is an effort made to increase people’s awareness of protection on tangible cultural heritages. That is to say,the intensive publicity would effectively make a difference to helping people become responsible visitors in cultural aspect.

  As for the protection of natural environment,it largely relies on the policymakers. Travellers have long been accused of plaguing the local environment with their uncivilized behavior like making noise and littering around. Worse still,people seemingly pay little attention to signs standing next to them saying“QUIET”or“NO LITTERING”. This is when the rules and regulations from the government comes into play. For instance,fining those damaging the environment and rewarding the protectors have been conducted and seen as a good start. Driven by the fear of being punished,people would watch their behavior and remind themselves to become environmentally accountable visitors.

  In conclusion,people can become responsible travellers through the help of media and authorities,which are actually part of a larger entities that can train and supervise visitors.





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