信息段落匹配题(which paragraph contains the following information)具有题目间完全乱序且题目与所对应原文完全同义转换的特点,其难度在雅思阅读众多题型中高出新的等级。但信息段落匹配题的“高逼格”难度并没有阻止此题型越来越高的曝光率,纵观近两年的雅思阅读考试,考生理应将信息段落匹配题视为必考题目进行备考,并且信息段落匹配题的正确率也是烤鸭们在阅读成绩上拉开分档的关键。对于初学者或对于此题型知之甚少者,解决信息段落题目如同大海捞针,但看似杂乱无章另烤鸭们无从下手的信息段落题实则也存在规律性。
1. 概括OR细节
2. 局部OR全文
信息段落匹配题是涉及到整篇文章的乱序题目,通常题目的数量少于文中段落数量,会有部分段落为无用段,不会作为信息段落题的答案,这也是造成其高难度的原因之一。另外,信息段落题目指令中如出现NB: you may use any letter more than once, 其意味着将有一段同时作为两道题目的答案,而不能直接利用排除法排除掉某个已选选项。
3. *先处理OR留到*后
对于信息段落匹配题,*初级也是*费时费力的解决方法是根据题目中的关键词按照文章顺序逐句逐段地扫读,直至将所有题目与其相对应的段落找出。但是以实战的角度来看,这种方法过于理想化,单时间就会不够用。通过对剑桥系列中涉及的信息段落匹配题的总结发现,80%-90%的信息段落题目与其所在文章中的其他题目存在两个规律:1. 信息段落题目中存在与其他题目相同或为同义转换的关键词,甚至两题在段中所对应的为同一句文字。2. 部分信息段落题目出现在其他题目未涉及的段落。因此,在有限的时间内,考生,尤其是水平中等甚至偏下的考生,应根据这两个规律做到“有的放矢”*解决能力范围内的信息段落匹配题。信息段落匹配题目的定位词选择遵循雅思阅读细节题定位词规律,定位词主要考虑具有意义的动词、名词及起到修饰限制性作用的形容词或短语。为了定位准确性,每道题目应选择两个或三个词汇进行定位。
1. 发现关键词之间的“吻合”
例1. Cambridge 7 Test 2 Passage 2 the true cost of food
Which paragraph contains the following information?
NB You may use any letter more than once.
14. a cost involved in purifying domestic water
15. the stages in the development of the farming industry
16. the term used to describe hidden costs
17. one effect of chemicals on water sources
Questions 18-21
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 2?
YESif the statement agrees with the claims of the writer
NOif the statement contradicts the claims of the writer
NOT GIVENif it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
18. Several species of wildlife in the British countryside are declining.
19. The taste of food has deteriorated in recent years.
20. The financial costs of environmental damage are widely recognised.
21. One of the costs calculated by Professor Pretty was illness caused by food.
通过比照发现,信息段落匹配14题的定位词cost与是非无判断题20, 21题中的定位词cost相同,根据规律一,考生可以先到20, 21题目所在的信息出处段C, E两段确定14题答案,14题中另一个关键词purifying domestic water与E段中drinking water对应,因此确定答案为paragraph E。同理,信息段落题16题中的cost与是非无判断题20, 21题中的cost吻合,16题的答案可以优先考虑20, 21题目所对应的原文段落,即C, E两段,因为题目指令中出现NB(有一选项会重复用到两次),因此已经确定答案的14题所在的E段不能直接排除。依靠16题中hidden, term关键词对应到C段的merely aesthetic, 从而确定答案为C段。
例2. Cambridge 6 Test 3 Passage 1
Question 1-5
Which paragraph contains the following information?
1. the location of the first cinema
2. how cinema came to focus on stories
3. the speed with which cinema has changed
4. how cinema teaches us about other cultures
5. the attraction of actors in films
Questions 6-9
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 1?
YESif the statement agrees with the views of the writer
NOif the statement contradicts the views of the writer
NOT GIVENif it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
6. It is important to understand how the first audiences reacted to the cinema.
7. The Lumiere Brothers' film about the train was one of the greatest films ever made.
8. Cinema presents a biased view of other countries.
9. Storylines were important in very early cinema.
这篇文章由信息段落匹配题+是非无判断题+选择题组成,按照上述方法*后做信息段落题。信息段落匹配题2题中的stories与是非无判断题9题中的storylines吻合,信息段落匹配题4题中的other cultures与是非无判断题8题中的other countries吻合,可以*锁定*段落确定答案。
2. 利用其它题目未涉及的段落“见缝插针”
例1. Cambridge 6 Test 1 Passage 1 Australia’s sporting success
Questions 1-7
Which paragraph contains the following information?
NB You may use any letter more than once.
1. a reference to the exchange of expertise between different sports
2. an explanation of how visual imaging is employed in investigations
3. a reason for narrowing the scope of research activity
4. how some AIS ideas have been reproduced
5. how obstacles to optimum achievement can be investigated
6. an overview of the funded support of athletes
7. how performance requirements are calculated before an event
此篇文章由信息段落匹配+事物特征匹配题+简答题组成。先解决后两种题型,文章用到C/D/E/F四段。第二种题型与第三种题型未用到文章A, B两段。划出信息段落题目中的定位词,根据规律1确定部分题目后,剩余题目去到A、B两段定位,信息段落题目中的第6题中的funded support与A段倒数第二句话中的finances programmes一致,题目1中的different sports与题目3中的narrowing the scope of research分别同B段中第二句的a number of sports和第四句中的all focus on one等同。
例2. Cambridge 8 Test 1 Passage 1 A chronicle of timekeeping
Questions 1-4
Which paragraph contains the following information?
1. a description of an early timekeeping invention affected by cold temperatures
2. an explanation of the importance of geography in the development of the calendar in farming communities
3. a description of the origins of the pendulum clock
4. details of the simultaneous efforts of different societies to calculate time using uniform hours
此篇文章由信息段落匹配题+名词观点匹配题+填空题组成。名词观点匹配题及填空题用到文章A/C/E/F/G五段。第二种题型与第三种题型未涉及到文中B, D, H三段,信息段落匹配题第1题中的cold temperature与D段*后一句中freezing weather为同义转换关系,确定*题的答案为D段。信息段落题第2题中的geography和farming communities与B段第二、第三句中的lower latitudes, northern climes, agriculture分别对应,从而选定答案为B段。