
2019-09-03 18:35:45 来源:网络 作者:wuqi




  There is a view that, employees perform better if they are compensated with a minimum 4 week vacation annually. I completely agree with this view. In this essay I will explain why I support this view.有一种观点认为,如果员工每年至少有4周的假期,他们的表现会更好。我完全同意这个观点。在这篇文章中,我将解释为什么我支持这个观点。

  To begin with, a 4 week vacation motivates the employee to work hard. This is because, employee can often work relentlessly if they think they will get a vacation at the end of their tireless project. For example, research done on 1000 employee of a software company, shows a long leave form work is usually the driving force behind their hard work. In contrast, if they are not compensated with such vacation, lethargy sinks in and they often delay completing their project.首先,4周的假期激励员工努力工作。这是因为,如果员工认为他们在不知疲倦的项目结束后会得到一个假期,他们就会毫不留情地工作。例如,对一家软件公司的1000名员工所做的研究表明,长期休假通常是他们努力工作背后的驱动力。相反,如果他们没有得到这样的假期补偿,他们就会变得无精打采,常常拖延完成他们的项目。

  Secondly, such breaks can provide psychological benefit by reducing stress. An employee is always under tremendous pressure. They work over time and even on weekends. Office worker often finds its hard to balance work life and thus feels pressurized. This is because, they usually have a tight deadline to finish projects and to meet this deadline they work all day and night, neglecting families and friends and sometimes even their health. So, if an employee is given 4 week vacation, she/he will have enough time to enjoy, to relax. A break from the work provides much needed relief and releases this tension. As a result, the employee finds her/his motivation and comes back to work happy.


  In conclusion, considering the benefit of motivation and stress reduction offered by a long annual vacation, I strongly support the view of providing a 4 week yearly leave to all employees.






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