
2019-09-02 20:06:30 来源:网络 作者:wuqi
参加雅思口语考试前,大家需要积累一些范文。今天就给大家分享“雅思口语范文100篇:汽车抛锚”,希望能够对大家有所帮助!有兴趣的小伙伴赶快和小编一起来看一下吧! ?


<a  style='color: #0a5bc7;font-weight:bold' href='https://www.longre.com/newsclass/detail/120938'>雅思口语范文</a>100篇:汽车抛锚

  雅思口语主题:the vehicle you took broke down.


  I am a person who doesn't like traveling very much, while my boyfriend likes self-driving tour.He perfers to travel by bike not by car. Yunnan is really a beautiful place, and lugu lake is extremely beautiful.At the end of last year, we decided to go on a road trip to yunnan with our friends, we planed to travel around the lake.

  Before seting out, we inflated the tires, adjusted the body, and almost did a full body check. However, half an hour after the start of the ride, I suddenly felt that the rear tire had a flat air, because I could not ride any more.I pulled over and looked, well, I don't know if I hit a nail, the tire is flat. The whole team stopped because of me, and there were no drivers on the road stopping to give me a hand, so we had to stand by and they kept going.I called the hotel owner, who picked us up half an hour later.I found a bike repair in a street market and patched up my tires, but the plan was ruined so I had to give up.After checking the weather tomorrow, we decided to cancel the shopping plan and complete the rest of the miles.

  I have to say that there are always accidents in life, although the bicycle leak delayed our journey, and make me a little depressed, but fortunately everything has been solved, in addition, the next day, we caught the sunset, the whole lugu lake was burning red afterglow, beautiful.So, it doesn't look that bad.





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