
2019-08-09 19:31:00 来源:网络 作者:huiwen
雅思大作文中有一类题目是因果关系类,具体包括三小类:cause and effect、cause and solution、problem and solution。那么有哪些词汇可以表达因果关系呢?小编搜集了相关资料,希望能给大家带来帮助!

  雅思大作文中有一类题目是因果关系类,具体包括三小类:cause and effect、cause and solution、problem and solution。那么有哪些词汇可以表达因果关系呢?小编搜集了相关资料,希望能给大家带来帮助!

<a  style='color: #0a5bc7;font-weight:bold' href='https://www.longre.com/zt/ysgpch/'>雅思词汇表</a>之因果关系(二)


  1. cause (v.)引起

  The amount of garbage produced by the people also increases which causes sanitary landfills to fill up faster.

  2. lead to/ result in导致

  注意这里是result in,后跟结果,前面提到的result from后面跟的是原因。

  The society’s attitude to food often leads to over-consumption.

  3. bring about: to cause to take place引起,带来(注意使用时更倾向于“带来”这个意思)

  The internet technologies that have brought about so much social change were scarcely imaginable just decades before they appeared.

  4.spark off引发、引爆 ,具体指引发比较严重的后果、冲突等(=trigger / activate),或指“点燃”(=inspire)


  1. Affect/influence

  More likely than not, getting a vehicle from point "A" to point "B" involves combustion of a fossil fuel, a process that emits gasses and affects the environment and the ozone layer.

  People's behavior is influenced by circumstances and events, friends and family, education, job prospects, income, housing and environment.

  2.impact on对…产生影响(impact一般做名词使用,也可以作为动词)

  Over the last few decades, there has been a tremendous growth in information technology, which can impact on our everyday life.

  3. give rise to使发生


  1. cause(of sth.)/reason原因

  Obesity can be divided into three main causes–diet, lifestyle and education.

  Thousands of people migrate to the cities not only for jobs but also for educational and personal reasons.

  2. result (for sth.)/ effect结果

  This is a difficult problem with many serious effects on the individual and country.

  Another result is lack of self-esteem.

  3. causality 因果关系(cause and effect)causation原因

  4. impact/influence 影响

  Friends have a big influence on the way that we use social media—from unwritten rules to buying decisions and so much more.


      表示因果的形容词不是很常用,使用时多和factor, element 结合

  1. causal 原因的,因果的

  2.consequential 结果的,随之发生的






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