
2019-07-17 00:37:52 来源:网络 作者:yami




  Describe an activity near the sea 描述一下海边的活动

  you should say: 你应该说:

  What it is 它是什么,

  What you should prepare 你应该准备什么

  And explain how you feel about it  并解释你对它的感受。


  I belong to Haryana.,It is not a coastal area. If I ever get a chance to visit a sea, I would like to do many activities,I would like to sit near the sea shore and hear the splashing waves.I would enjoy the cool breeze of the sea side,I would also love to stand at the sea shore and feel the waves touch my feet,I would also like to go in the water till it is safe.


  I don’t know swimming, so I would like to hold hands of my family members or I don’t know swimming, so I would like to hold hands of my family members or my friends, who so ever are with me.I am sure it would be a great experience.I don’t think any special requirements are there for this activity.I would just need a towel and an extra set of clothes, in case I get too wet, I would like to visit with my parents, I am sure it would be fun. My friend visited her relatives in Mumbai last year.She went to the Cali beach.


  She told me her experiences.She said that all her family members went waist deep in the water. Then they sat at the shore and their clothes dried because of the wind, I would love to spend my vacations in a place near the sea, so that I can get that I would love to spend my vacations in a place near the sea, so that I can get that experience for a few days.






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