
2019-05-15 01:07:24 来源:网络 作者:alice



  1. What advantages does living in the countryside have, compared to living in a city?

  I think there are some clear advantages to living in the countryside. First, with the clean air and lack of traffic or industry, countryside areas are much healthier places than the average city. Another benefit would be the sense of community that comes with living in a small village where everyone knows each other. Finally, it seems to me that the pace of life in the countryside is slower, and the people are more laid back and friendly, compared to the hustle and bustle and the stress of city life.

  lack of traffic 没有那么多车

  the average city 一般的/普通的城市

  sense of community 社区/邻里温暖的感觉

  pace of life 生活节奏

  laid back 悠闲的

  hustle and bustle 熙熙攘攘

  2. Have areas of countryside in your country changed since you were a child?

  No, they haven’t changed very much where I live. The reason for this is that countryside areas close to Manchester tend to be protected, and so construction is not allowed. For example, I live quite close to an area called the Peak District, and nothing seems to have changed there since I was young; the hills, paths and woodland areas are just as they were.

  construction n. 建设

  path 小路、小径

  woodland 林地、林区

  3. Do you think that visits to the countryside should be something that schools offer to their children?

  Yes, I think it’s a great idea for schools to take children on trips to the countryside, especially if those children live in a large town or city. A visit to the countryside can be both relaxing and educational; children can go for walks in the fresh air, and at the same time see animals and plants that they may never have seen before. If schools don’t offer this opportunity, some children will never see life outside the city.

  relaxing 令人感到放松的

  educational 有教育意义的





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