
2019-05-15 01:03:38 来源:网络 作者:alice
有的考生觉得自己写作水平足以到 8 分,但多次考下来还是 7 分、7.5 分,甚至更低。下面我们就来看一下雅思*会不会“凭感觉”给作文打分(二)?

  有的考生觉得自己写作水平足以到 8 分,但多次考下来还是 7 分、7.5 分,甚至更低。下面我们就来看一下雅思*会不会“凭感觉”给作文打分(二)?

  For GRA, almost all the sentences are correct, and the range (mostly complex and simple) of those sentences is quite wide for an 8. For punctuation, it is well-managed and most likely varied (using semicolons, colons, dashes, quotations, etc). For a 7, there is a variety of complex sentences, but there is limited flexibility. So, a candidate might use a complex sentence structure throughout the task, but if they are using the same one, their ceiling is a 7.

  As you can see, it is quite difficult to get a 7 or 8 for task 2 for any category. Remember, you must fulfill all the criteria of all categories of an 8 to get an 8. If the essay checks all the criteria for an 8 of LR except one, it will most likely be a 7. Examiners rarely see these kinds of papers and if they think one is a 7 or higher, they will read it again. Most examiners will count the errors grammatically or lexically and that might determine whether a 7 or 8 is given, and this is where the human element and judgement comes in. If there was a standard, humans would not be marking papers.

  Examiners are supposed to use their professional judgement and mark the paper as is. Because examiners see 7s and 8s so infrequently, it is hard to get a feel for what higher level papers look like. A lot of examiners will mark 200 papers and maybe write the number seven once or twice at most. When examiners read something that might pique their judgement, they will carefully read it and determine the best score.





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