一, Interior Structure & Facilities房屋内部结构和附加装置
detached house 独立式房屋,semi-detached house 半独立式房屋,cottage 平房,kitchen厨房,living room=sitting room起居室,bathroom 浴室,bedroom 卧室,balcony 阳台,toilet=washroom=lavatory 厕所,laundry room 洗衣房,corridor=porch 走廊,roof 屋顶,ceiling 天花板,window 窗户,shutter 百叶窗,curtain 窗帘,door 门,storehouse 储藏室,basement 地下室, fire escape 安全出口
二, Special Requirements特殊住房要求
no other guests=to be the only guest *租客,no red meat 不吃牛羊肉(印度),no pork 不吃猪肉(穆斯林),vegetarian 素食主义者,carnivore 食肉主义,no pets 不带宠物,no smoking 不准抽烟,no parties 不准举办派对,food allergies 食物过敏
三,Surrounding Facilities周边设施
Transportation交通设施:tube=underground=subway=metro 地铁,bus巴士,minibus 小巴,medium-sized bus=midibus 中巴,coach 大巴、客车,taxi=cab 的士(taxi rank的士车站),tram 电车,pullman 卧铺车,caravan 大篷车,ferry 轮渡,express train *列车,shuttle bus 班车,commuter train 通勤车,train 火车,plane 飞机,four-wheel drive 四轮驱动,automobile(注意发音)=car 汽车
Public Facilities公共设施:parking lots停车场,clinic 医务室,toilet=washroom=lavatory 厕所,police station派出所,First Aid Center 急救中心,telephone box=telephone booth公用电话亭,card phone 磁卡电话机,restaurant=dining hall=refectory 餐厅,café 咖啡厅,dustbin=trash can 垃圾箱,bar=pub 酒吧,snack bar=fast food 快餐厅,Western Restaurant 西餐厅,Chinese Restaurant 中餐厅,gym=keep-fit studio=stadium 健身房,smoking area 吸烟区,lawn 草坪,quiet neighborhood 安静环境
四,Type of Accommodation租房类型
halls of residence 集体宿舍 或student hostel 学生公寓或dormitory 宿舍”homestay 在当地居民家中住宿”;也可以租幢“house房子”来住,里面有“garden 花园,courtyard 院子,garage 车库,swimming pool游泳池,fountain 喷泉,balcony 阳台,en-suite facilities 全套设施”(注意en suite的读音,来自法语,读法特殊)等等;还可以租套“flat=apartment公寓”或者“studio apartment 单身公寓”或者“bedsit 卧室兼起居室”来住;囊中羞涩点的租“single room 单人间,double room=twin room 双人间,triple room 三人间”也就凑合吧。
五,furniture & facilities 房屋设备
Electronic Appliances 家电:refrigerator=fridge 冰箱,washing machine 洗衣机,dishwasher 洗碗机,water heater 热水器,microwave oven 微波炉,stereo system 音响,radiator 电暖炉,(central)heating system (中央)暖气装置,toaster 烤面包机,dryer 干燥机,(central)air conditioner=(central)air conditioning (中央)空调,electric fan 电风扇,ceiling fan 吊扇,TV 电视,telephone 电话,PC=personal computer 个人电脑
Kitchen Facilities 厨房用品:gas cooker 煤气灶,electric cooker 电磁炉,coffee maker 咖啡机,ventilation 通风装置,kitchen ventilator 抽油烟机,exhaust fan 排气扇,detergent 清洁剂,tap 水笼头,sink 污水槽
Bathroom Facilities 浴室用具:towel 毛巾,sponge 洗澡用的海绵,shampoo 香波,soap 香皂,lotion 洗发液,cream 面霜,shaver 剔须刀,shower 淋浴,tub 浴缸,toilet 马桶,mirror 镜子,mop 拖把,broom 扫帚,dustbin=trash can 垃圾桶
Bedroom Facilities 卧室设备:single bed 单人床,double bed 双人床,king-size bed特大号床,queen-size bed 大号床,bed-linen 被单和枕套,blanket 毯子,sheet 床单,mattress 床垫,quilt 棉被,pillow 枕头,wardrobe 衣橱,dresser 梳妆台
Sitting Room Facilities客厅设施:sofa 沙发,couch 长沙发,coffee table 咖啡桌,carpet 地毯,armchair 扶手椅子,ashtray 烟灰缸,dustbin=trash can 垃圾桶