
2015-08-20 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编

Part 1

1. work

2. week

3. weather

4. visit

5. tree

6. transport

7. time

8. television

9. teacher

10. study

11. sport

12. sleep

13. sky

14. shop

15. read

16. music

17. museum

18. message

19. memory

20. maths

21. leisure

22. hometown

23. holiday

24. help

25. fruit

26. film

27. email

28. color

29. collect

30. clothes

31. apartment

32. alone



Part 2&3


a person you know who is good at cooking

a person you had a disagreement with

a person yon do not like but have to be friendly to

a friend who speaks foreign language well

a friend who is a good leader

a fashionable person you know who dresses well

a famous person you like

a family member who you would like to work with



an unusual building

an interesting historical building

a restaurant or café you like

a place you would like to go in the future

a place you stayed for a short time but want to go again

a place which is suitable for reading and writing

a place that makes you feel relaxed

a place near water you have been to

a park or garden you often visit

a colorful place



something you would like to learn more about in the future

an interesting thing you learned from the internet

an important childhood toy

an exciting sport

an educational television programme

an ambition you have not achieved yet

a vehicle you would like to buy in the future

a useful website

a subject you hated at school but feel interesting now

a special thing you would like to buy in the future

a small successful company

a piece of good news you heard from the media

a piece of electronic device you would like to buy

a picture or photo in your family

a healthy activity you enjoy doing

a gift which took you a long time to choose

a film you enjoyed watching and want to watch again

a childhood song

a childhood indoor game or activity

a change that would improve your local area



something a child did that made you laugh

an occasion you got up extremely early

an educational trip when you were at school

a working experience with payment you had with others

a time you were surprised to meet someone

a time you received a good service in a shop

a time you received a good piece of advice from others

a teamwork activity you took part in

a stage of your life you enjoyed most

a moment you felt surprised and happy

a happy family event from your childhood







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