
2019-04-24 22:27:22 来源:网络 作者:yami




  Describe an important skill which cannot be learned at school  描述一项在学校里不能学到的重要技能,   为什么我们学习它很重要?

  You should say:  你应该说:

  What the skill is  技能是什么?

  Why it cannot be learned at school  为什么它不能在学校学习?

  One of the most valuable skills imparted to me when I was young was acting. At the time, I had no idea how vital it would become. My parents thought that such classes were foolish. At school, drama had a low status compared to subjects such as math or science. I did enjoy it, but not once did I think it could ever be beneficial. I never imagined how useful it might be later on in life. How could reciting poetry, singing, dancing and traditional stories help in the modern world? Well, I know how to use my voice, how to vary it, how to project it and how to hold people's attention with it. I know how to move with surety and how to command a presence. Learning lines and lyrics aided my memory for words and phrases in new languages. I can read aloud with confidence. I take care over my appearance and am aware of the impression I make on people. I think that all together, these are skills which will serve me well when I enter the world of business, which is what I hope to do. In the commercial environment, you need to appear trustworthy and competent if you are to represent your company well. You only have a few seconds to make the right impression and I will always be thankful to my theatre teacher for enabling me to do this!






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