未来成功完成时的表述是:在未来的几天里,看看未来几天已经成功完成的姿势或一种情况,它的内部结构基本上是由“would have “后分词”产生例如: 1.She said she’d have finished her paper by then.。
从那以后,她的*论文早已顺利完成。 2. I thought he would have got up by then. 从那以后,我想她早就下班了。 3. I thought you would have finished by now.。
从那以后,我想你已经很早了。 4. There are a lot of things I should have liked to ask you. 有内拉朱事本据我知道你的事。 5. He knew by the time he arrived she would have finished her lunch.。
他知道他到时候她早就吃剩菜了。 6. Well, well! Who would have guessed it! 啊的! 这个KMH啊! 7. I thought he would have paid this bill for you.。
我想他早就给你几千单了。 8. I thought you would have called the police by now. 从那以后,我想你已经报案了。 9. There are a lot of things I should have done before 8 o’clock.。