
2023-03-03 04:36:25 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
英语专业术语分享 希望对准备认真*英语的同学有所帮助。为了赢得更多,我们热烈欢迎稳定而高度重视思考。 专门从事英语专业的名词 自学英语数据资料,如果你对这篇文章有难题也热烈欢迎指正。 4.英语专业技能






专有名词可以用英语表达为technical term语句:The technical term for sunburn is erythema.白斑专有名词是黄斑专有名词的英语: technical term。


句子:1.这篇文章充满了专有名词The article is full of technical terms. 白斑The是黄斑的专有名词。 technical term for sunburn is erythema. 。


自由化是Globalization叙述*增长的*贸易专有名词。 is a catchall to describe increased international trade. 贝特利在:“你知道,亚茨莫拉吗?如果让一千万人讲述当代音乐创作,他们就不能选择Bebop。 这个专有名词。


”"Do you know, Aziraphale, that probably if a million human beings were asked to describe modern music, they wouldnt use the term Bebop," said Crowley. 


5.我很准确。如果我想写这篇文章,我必须首先提到这些专有名词I,专业委员会的每个业务经理都可以提到。 knew that in order to write these articles, I needed to learn the jargon that every project manager USES without even thinking. 。


6.如果你刚接触,不要因为难以理解或者专有名词而吓跑你:从简单开始,在报告这些基本数据的基础上,逐渐认真细致地进行If。 youre new, dont let perceived complexity or jargon scare you off: start simple and get into a rhythm with reporting on the basics. 。


7.当她去年再次参加考试时,驾校的老师给了她额外的指导,并煞费苦心地解释了专有名词。 she came to them early last year, teachers at Jeonbuk Driving School pitched in, giving her extra lessons, painstakingly explaining the terminology. 。

8.很多作者似乎是天生的写作大师,而其他很多作者愿意坚持写大部分*论文——专有名词的选择,在紧凑的逻辑中压缩巨大的信息量。 few of the contributors seem to be born writers, but a couple seem happier to stick with the jargon and densely packed prose that plagues most papers in scientific journals. 。

9.它的大部分使命表达使用了*成长理论的专有术语:消除贫困、*成长模式和结构调整。 of its missions speak the jargon of development: poverty reduction, aggregate growth and structural adjustments. 。

10.尤其是当谈话认真细致,涉及到*的经济政治时,外国人通常会有很多专有名词,这让我有时候对Especially感到非常困难。 when the talk goes deeper, like dealing with Chinese economy or politics, they often pour out tons of professional terms, which makes me, a major of economy, feel tough to interpret. 。

用WMQFTE的专有术语来说,这意味着当一个连接试图连接一个序列管理器时,这个连接将其证书发送到WMQFTE,Whatt是初始ssl握手的一部分。 this means in terms of WMQFTE is that when a connection is made to a queue manager, it sends its certificate to WMQFTE as part of the initial SSL handshake. 。

*后,专有名词得到了统一,所以一个特定的条件(例如,类型、案例、规范或事件)在它出现的所有前后文本中都有相同的全面含义, the terminology was made consistent so that a given term (for example, type, instance, specification, or occurrence) has the same general connotation in all contexts in which it appears. 。

我在这里使用的“通货膨胀”这个专有名词,就像大家在街上使用的那样。 use the term "inflation" here as the man on the street does. 考虑到开发这些产品的天数,从医药行业借用专有名词似乎没有什么不妥。

Borrowing terminology from the drugs industry seems appropriate, given the time required to develop these new products. 

15.首先需要注意的是,“熔化”并不是一个准确定义的专有名词。当用来衡量反应堆状态时,这个词似乎相当没有用。 of all, a "meltdown" is not a precisely defined term, which makes it fairly useless as an indicator of whats going on. 。

你说这些专有名词我不太懂,我只是想知道,我们还有可能怀上*吗?I have no clue about the professional terms you are saying. All I want to know is whether we still have chance to have our child? 

17.它包含了一系列“影响报告和投资标准”,这是一个共同的定义It,迫切需要尝试在社会资本市场生成专有名词。 includes a set of "impact reporting and investment standards", a much-needed attempt to develop common definitions of the main terms used in social capital markets. 。

现在我要讲一些专有名词Now。 Im going to — a little bit of terminology. 十九.这个术语似乎是从军事专有名词中借来的,但是没有比本报道更早的应用实例The。 term looks as though it has been borrowed from a bit of existing military jargon, though I cant find an earlier example. 

20.科学家必须向公众传递他们的信息,并使用易于理解和产生共鸣的语言,而不是使用生物学专有名词Scientist must communicate their message to the public in a compassionate, understandable, way-in human terms, not in the language of molecular biology. 。





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