
2023-03-01 16:49:57 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
关于好相关的英语单词学习 希望对准备认真*英语的同学有所帮助。为了赢得更多,我们热烈欢迎稳定而高度重视思考。 自学英语需要掌握哪些技术知识? 自学英语数据资料,如果你对这篇文章有难题也热烈欢迎指正。






非常好用英语翻译成excellent。、fantastic、wonderful、tremendously well、perfect、very nice、very good、very well语句:It was really good.这十分好。


非常好的英语:excellent/fantastic/wonderful/tremendously well/perfect/very nice/very good/very well语句:1.它卖得很好,部分原因是包装袋非常吸引人。


It is selling very well, in part because the packaging is so attractive. 他的英语说得很好,看到他们的时候变得很开心,他们很快就会感到无拘无束。


He spoke very good English and appeared pleased to see us, and we soon felt quite at home. 那道菜非常非常好,相比之下比很多豪华酒店的荤菜要好。


It was very, very good, far better than vegetarian offerings in many an expensive restaurant. 那些油画*存得很好。


The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation. 学校的教学质量非常好,The quality of teaching in the school is excellent. 。


6.她战栗地说:“他对我很好,”He was so good to me," she said tremulously. 海伦,你的表现非常出色,只是运势不佳而已。 luck, Helen, you played very well. 。

她的舞蹈非常好,Shes a fantastic dancer. 她唱得非常好,Shess a wonderful singer. 十.这个扁面非常好The。 linguine was great. 。

十一.抛开那些吹毛求疵的建议,大多数论文的确非常好These cavils aside, most of the essays are very good indeed. 这是一个非常好的It was really good. 。

我觉得他们表现得很好,你不觉得吗?I thought they played tremendously well, didnt you? 这个节目的整体安排非常好,但是需要多预演几次The。 new format is great but the show needs more road tests. 。

十五.那些人非常高效和有条理,他们的天数安排得非常好。 people are very efficient, very organized, and excellent time managers. 。

他处理得很好,他的勇气对我的生活是一种鼓励。 copes incredibly well. His strength is an inspiration to me in my life. 听到他跟人说他们相处得很好。

I have heard him tell people that we get along splendidly. 十八.这场雨过后,野花将会开得很好。 wildflowers will be incredible after this rain. 。

十九.那些体检已经说明我的健康状况非常好。 medical exams have shown I am in perfect physical condition. 她的身体状况非常好,我希望她的身体能够一直如此坚韧下去。

She is remarkable and Id like to see her remain hale and hearty for years yet. 21.惠特克神父似乎心情很好。 Whittaker appeared to be in a jovial mood. 。

22.他的剧很好,很幽默His。 plays were very good, very witty. 堪培拉的天气非常好,The。 weather in Canberra is very nice. 。

24.你的技术非常好!Your hand craft is very good! 在波士顿冬天,这个实验进行得非常好,因为它们一直处于一个充满静电的环境中。 Boston in the winter, this experiment worked very well because we were always in an environment full of static electricity. 。

虽然我不久前才转到这所学校,但我现在已经融入了班级,因为我的同学都很好,Though I transferred to this school not long ago, I have fitted into the class because my classmates were very nice. 。

27.他们本赛季表现非常好,有资格参加公开赛。通常,只有能力强的俱乐部团队才能参加这场公开赛。 did very well this season and so entered a tournament, which normally was only for more skilled club teams. 。

看看!他的舞蹈跳得很好!Look! his dances very well! 这双靴子的质量非常好,The quality of this pair of boots was superb. 。





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