
2023-02-17 06:08:43 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
1.雅思题目则表示态势是什么 依照国外笔试研究中心的统计数据数据统计数据辨认出,雅思诗歌创作是有一定规律的无论是 Task 1 却是 Task 2,无论是讹误却是*题,对鲁托县试题的简述毫无疑问是学生预备接下去的笔试的纪念性,以突破诗歌创作脆弱项的困局。 3.雅思大题目预估


依照国外笔试研究中心的统计数据数据统计数据辨认出,雅思诗歌创作是有一定规律的无论是 Task 1 却是 Task 2,无论是讹误却是*题,对鲁托县试题的简述毫无疑问是学生预备接下去的笔试的纪念性,以突破诗歌创作脆弱项的困局。


下面国外笔试研究中心将对 2023 年的雅思诗歌创作态势进行预估。


1、小题目态势预估首先,科孔一下 2022 年小题目部分每项试题的再次出现振幅而从图象的类型上来看无从辨认出:




01. 统计数据数据类图象在小题目的实地考察中仍是非主流(1). 统计数据税金,柱图占比依然维持*振幅;技术面占比位于第二;特别更为重要的是统计数据状态参数的实地考察频度虽然排在第三,但是在女团图的配搭中几乎每天单厢再次出现,实际出题振幅不必柱图低。

7.雅思题目 看法

朗阁国外笔试研究中心建议:学生在平常的诗歌创作练中应当以柱图、表单和技术面为主线(2). 2023 年的小题目预备重点依序为:柱图(bar)=表单(table)>技术面(line)>饼图(pie)>女团图>*地图(map)>时序(flow chart)。


02. 静态图的实地考察比例会略有上升对雅思诗歌创作小题目相较比较了解的学生们都知道,静态图的诗歌创作相较更加容易,因为拳法大列佩季哈区,统计数据数据的预估模式、诗歌创作的短语大列佩季哈区而静态图,无论是从统计数据数据预估上,却是语句抒发上,技术难度常数都Villamblard一些。


这毫无疑问,给了那些只预备静态涵义的学生们重重的好运气所以,在接下去的笔试中,学生们不仅要如常高度关注静态图的统计数据数据预估和涵义,对于静态图的统计数据数据预估和抒发也要给予理应的高度关注2、大题目态势预估预计在 2023 年记叙文依然是主要出题对象,Discussion 和 Report 的再次出现振幅会略有下降,不须建异同讨论类试题异军突起的可能。


记叙文出题的是辩证性思维能力,即预估一个现象带来的异同权衡,两个对立看法的讨论,是否同意一个看法或者态度,并说明原因无论是 argumentation 中的哪一种类型,学生们都需要注意:1. 要有清晰的立场;。

2. 要给出切题的论点;3. 包含 reasoning & exemplification 在内的论证手法从话题上来看,占据主要地位的必定却是教育、社会、科技和政府类话题除此之外,像环境类、犯罪类、体育类、交通类以及其他的话题,虽然再次出现次数不高,但学生们仍需高度关注。

因为这类该文,无论从路子上来讲也好,词汇上来讲也罢,都是学生们较为陌生的,不能掉以轻心除此之外,在 2022 的笔试中有一半以上的题目来源于讹误重复或是讹误新出,且重复率较高的年份在 2016-2021 年,预计在 2023 年的笔试中的依然会有大量讹误重复,但重复的高频年份区间会有变化,建议学生们从 2017-2022 年的历年试题中依照不同的话题各选取几道题目进行练手,即便笔试没有再次出现讹误重复,但积累该文的素材和路子却是可以迁移利用的。

以下一些经典预估题目,供 2023 年的学生作日常练使用:社会类:In some countries, elderly people who retire from work spend money on themselves (e.g. holiday) rather than save money for children. Is this a positive or negative development?

People living in the 21st century generally have a better quality of life than people who lived inprevious centuries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many cities replace farmlands and parks with houses. Is it a positive or negative development?In the past, people ate local, in-season food, but now, people tend to consume out-of-season food from different parts of the world. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

Some people think it is a better way to leave their home country to improve their work and living opportunities, while others think staying in their own country is a better choice. Discuss bothviews and give your own opinion.

It is suggested that everyone wants to have a car, a television and a fridge. Do disadvantages ofthis development for society outweigh advantages?

In more and more countries, people give money on special occasions rather than gifts chosenpersonally. Why might this be the case? Is this a positive or negative development?

教育类:Some people think that the best way to be successful in life is to get a university education. Others disagree and say that nowadays, this is no longer true. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Students today can easily access information online, so libraries are no longer necessary. To whatextent do you agree or disagree?

It is more important for school children to learn about their local history than the world history. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think the main purpose of schools is to turn the children into good citizens and workers rather than to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

Good education is more important for academic success than individual ability. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Many first-year university students discover that the subjects they choose do not suit them. Why does this happen? What can be done to ensure that students can choose a suitable subject?

科技类:Some people believe using modern technology (digital photographs, blogs) is the best way to record and remember important events. Others think the traditional method (making photo albums, writing diaries) is better. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Some people think that robots are very important to human’s future development, while others think they are dangerous and have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

政府类:In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that the government should have the responsibility to change the situation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Some people think that the government should ban dangerous sports, but others think that people should have freedom to do whatever sports activities they choose. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

交通类:More and more countries spend a lot of money in making it easier to use bicycles in cities. Why? Is it the best way to solve transportation problems?

In today’s cities, people continue to use cars and motorcycles, which have made transportation increasingly difficult. Why? What is the best way to stop people from using cars and motorcycles?

媒体类:Some people think that visual images (like photographs and videos) can deliver information more accurately in a news story, while others think they do not tell full stories. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Some people say that communication by using computers and phones will have side effects on young people’s writing and reading skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

犯罪类:Some people think technological development can reduce crime, while others think it would encourage crime. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

体育类:Some people think that the Olympic Games is an exciting event and can bring nations together. Others, however, think that it is a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

环境类:More and more people move from the countryside to big cities. Does this development bring more advantages or disadvantages to the environment?





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