
2023-02-17 05:54:41 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
雅思口语爱好类热门话题怎么样 水果和蔬菜!雅思口语 1用例:Small Business(7.5分 )  雅思口语你的爱好? 那时,给我们一个雅思口语Part。 1低频热门话题的*分用例     IELTS Speaking Part 1**Standard Phrase **Words showing Cohesion (C&C) 。 雅思对口语有浓厚的兴趣爱好热门话题。


水果和蔬菜!雅思口语 1用例:Small Business(7.5分 ) 


那时,给我们一个雅思口语Part。 1低频热门话题的*分用例     IELTS Speaking Part 1**Standard Phrase **Words showing Cohesion (C&C) 。


Do you prefer buying things from big companies or small businesses?It depends onwhat I purchase. When


I procure home appliances like a washing machine, a fridge, or an oven, I head to a big brand shop. I


also prefer household names when buying expensive items such as a laptop. For grocery shopping, however,


I tend to visit local private shops and because of this, I’m acquainted with a lot of the owners of local businesses at the local wet market.

雅思口语 浓厚兴趣

purchase *procure 买回home appliances 家用电器head to 去吧;赶到big brand householdold大品牌 names 服饰;英文名长盛不衰的acquainted with 熟悉


Do you know many small businesses?As I mentioned, I know quite a few of the local meat and vegetable market stall owners at the wet market


that is opposite to where I live. I know quite a few because I frequent a numberof vegetable stalls, meat stands, fruit shops, dry goods shops, and a fresh chicken

outlet. I know them and they all know me and my preferences. The thing about small businesses is the human connection between the business owner and the customers,

and once you find the right one, you can feel assured that their product is good. Also, downstairs from where I live,

there are a number of neighborhood shops whose owners I’m familiar with. market stall frequent市场摊位 常常光顾

a number of 一些outlet 加盟店preferences 喜欢Have you ever thought about starting your own business?Not only have I considered it, I actually

started doing a small online business a few years back. These days, if you have an idea, work hard, and get online, and don’t give up,

if you do these things, then there’s a good chance you can have some success with it I think. Have you ever worked in small businesses?

Yes, I work for my own small business and because of this, I know the ups and downs a small business can face. It demands a lot of time,

attention to detail, patience, and the ability to handle pressure. I also worked at a large company before

and things there were more organized and training sessions were constantly offered and I could always seek help from my supervisors.

In comparison though, a small business owner needs to deal with everything, so you’re constantly learning but without the formal training sessions. 

ups and downs attention起伏 to detail 请注意patiencence细节 耐心handle pressure 处理压力training sessions 训练deal with 处理





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