
2023-02-15 23:16:37 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
产品目录: 1.托福书面语笔试试题一般来说吗 2.托福书面语每月几月份换题 3.托福书面语原则上考么 4.托福1月书面语课程表多长时间会平衡



晚安,我是来自澳大利亚的雅思助教Mac。那时候,给我们一个雅思口语Part。 1低频热点话题的*分用例。    问题问题来自CDO(CDO执行官杂工)英语笔试。Lauren。


- IELTS Speaking Part 1 -**Standard Phrase **Words showing Cohesion (C&C) What do you think will make you feel happy in the future?


Hmm, well, I guess living the type of life that I really desire will make me happy in the future. A life that is relatively free from worldly matters such as being debt-ridden, having anxiety over kids, a stressful job, and the like. For me, such a life, free of these things, and one instead where I can accomplish and do what I want will make me happy, or at least content. 


relatively 与free相比 from 没有...束缚worldly matters 神权debt-ridden anxiety濒临破产 害怕stressfuls contentent,阻力很大。 令人满意的What made you happy when you were little?


When I was a kid, being lucky enough to own a book, but especially reading books would always make my day. I was really into reading back when I was little, yet I never really owned a book and neither did most of my classmates and so every storybook would be passed around in the classroom. Everybody was so eager to read because it gave us great pleasure. Anyway, that’s what made me happy when I was little.


make my day 让我高兴eager 迫切的Do you think people are happy when they buy new things?Yeah, I suppose so, and I guess that’s one of the reasons why so many people go shopping. Spending money on items that you desire, such as a watch, a trendy piece of clothing, new books, or a shiny new handbag…simply gives people great joy, or even a high, at least temporarily, though I suspect it’s like a sugar rush, but after that sugar fades, people return to a sort of humdrum state of existence. 


trendy 时髦的shiny 闪亮的high 兴奋temporarily 暂时的a sugar rush 激动fade 去掉humdrum state existencence单调状态 When存在 do you feel happy at work?


Work-wise, let me see, umm, I feel happy when my work is acknowledged or appreciated, especially after completing a challenging project. In such cases, verbal or written acknowledgment can work wonders as I’m more motivated to work harder. But I’m also happy when I’m busy and feel that I’ve accomplished something, it’s a type of contentment. 

work-wise acknowledged工作 承认appreciateciate 欣赏;领悟;珍惜work wonders 创造奇迹 accomplish 实现contentment 以上就是雅思口语:Happy Things 让你开心的事情!介绍。





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