
2023-02-09 22:20:37 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
雅思口语:你喜欢网购吗? 2022-07-28 10:55:29 作者:*基础教育新浪网。 网上购物是现实生活中非常常见的热门话题,也是雅思口笔试中常见的热门话题之一。以上是对雅思口语的分类整理:你喜欢网上购物吗? 雅思口语:你喜欢网购吗? Do you like shopping?您喜欢网购吗?


2022-07-28 10:55:29 作者:*基础教育新浪网。



Do you like shopping?您喜欢网购吗?

Yes,I do.I’ve quite keen on shopping.No matter who brings me to the shopping center,I’ll always have the excitement of looking around and getting some fancy stuff.You know,each time I bought something,I felt a sense of joyfulness that could make me satisfy my life.


Do you compare prices when you shop?Why?这个时候你会在网上*朱泽内吗?

It depends.If I’m shopping for some groceries,I usually ignore the price tags and just grab what I want.But,in terms of big items such as a laptop,I compare prices because it can help me save a great sum.


Is it difficult for you to make choices(when you shop)?在网上购物的这个时候,做选择是否非常困难?

No,it isn’t.For me,most items are fixed in price and have very detailed descriptions of the specs,which is quite easy for me to make a decision to buy them or not.Also,this article is from Laokaoya website,I always have a shopping list that gives me clear guidance,and thus I don’t need to hesitate.


Do you think expensive products are always better than cheaper ones?您指出昂贵的商品往往比昂贵的商品更好?

No,I don’t think so.It is true that some expensive products often feature premium quality.However,the manufacturers can’t fully guarantee the functions of those products can suit the needs of all customers.Sometimes,it’s cost-effective to get a cheaper counterpart.






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