
2019-04-17 00:53:23 来源:网络 作者:yawen




  It is argued that we are living in a throw-away society: people throw away what they use in daily life, instead of recycling or reusing them. Why has this happened and how to address this issue?


  写作一定要知道拿到话题要把关键词画出来,比如这个题目是throw-away society. 并且进行了解释,扔东西不去循环使用等。作为报告类文章,接下来需要对此的两个问题,一个问题一个段落。

  There are several contributing factors related to the throw-away lifestyle. The main reason is that the society, as well as the citizens, is now in a flourishing economic condition. As economy boosts, citizens would have a huge amount of disposable income. They, therefore, are unlikely to reuse the goods but would buy new substitutes as long as they can afford them. Lack of awareness of environmental protection would be another cause concerning this phenomenon. Since some environmental issues have not put pose a threat to citizens’ personal interests yet, citizens may not have a thorough understanding of the significance to protect environment in daily life. People without this awareness would develop a throw-away lifestyle. Another possible factor may be relevant to the frequent update of products. Advanced technology ensures that new versions of products would be introduced with short intervals, leaving thousands of options to customers in market. Customers, with sufficient income, would keep pace with the rapid development and dispose their used goods.

  To address this concern, several effective measures could be implemented. Government, as the influential character in the society, could advocate the importance of environmental protection to the public. Recycling used items could be suggested as an environmentally friendly way by government and reward systems could be established for residents reusing goods. similarly,an effective but severe way is to enact a law related to recycling. Under this law, individuals could be required to follow rules such as a minimum usage time before disposal. Besides, companies could make an effort to mitigating this phenomenon by making the newest version of system available for previous models. In this way, customers could extend usage time of old products with advanced functions.


  1、Students who are not talented in foreign language learning should not be required to study a foreign language. Do you agree or disagree?

  审题:关键词 not talented 、foreign language。是一件事情,分别讨论没天赋的*学习外语的好处和坏处。

  The main reason is that English studying plays an indispensable role in people’s lives, which offers the opportunity for them to get job promotion. It lies in the fact that English is a fundamental requirement for some industries such as science research and accounting, which requires the exchange of documents in different countries. Learning English can help people to get a deep insight of these files and improve their decision making process.

  After learning English, people can travel abroad without worrying about language barrier. English has been regarded as a universal language. When travelling abroad, people who have English abilities can easily get an understanding of other culture and disseminate knowledge and skills of our nation.

  The drawback of English studying is that it would demotivate students’ interest, impose a detrimental impact on their class performance. Especially for those who are without language talent, they would lose their interest in learning English, therefore that may result in their drop of school.

  2、Nowadays, distance-learning programs have gained in popularity, but some people argue that courses can never be taken as good as those by attending a college or university in person. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



  Distance - learning programs can offer a flexible schedule for citizens to acquire knowledge, so it is possible for people to overcome barriers to education. Especially for those who are already in the workforce, they can attend classes and gain further education when it is convenient to them while they do not have enough time to attend universities in person.

  However, it is undeniable that traditional classroom setting is more welcomed in the world. There is a widely held notion that distance-learning program is not intended for mainstream students. Students who decide to take online courses should be the one who are well-motivated and self-discipline because there are many distractions when they sit in front of computers to take courses. Besides, students are more likely to get proper feedbacks in a timely manner if they attend universities in person. They can consult professors when they have difficulties, this would be beneficial to their understanding of the lesson.





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