雅思口语Part 2新题分享

2022-06-14 14:07:03 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
Describe an interesting neighbor you should say who he or she is how you knew him or her what you do together and explain why he or she is interesting

Describe an interesting neighbor

you should say

who he or she is

how you knew him or her

what you do together

and explain why he or she is interesting

Well I don’t know so many neighbors because I rent an apartment in the suburbs of Beijing and I am not a local here, but there is someone I do know a little bit and he lives next door to me. We often see each other in the elevator.


I knew him several years ago when I moved into the community. Based on what I have known, he is a big fan of cooking. He comes from Sichuan province and food in that province is famous for its spicy flavor. He often adds chili pepper in every dish he makes and I happen to come from Hunan. In my hometown, people also have a passion for things that are really spicy. As a result, we often talk about food and he will introduce some of his secret recipes to me.


I think the reason why he is super interesting is that he has a knack for cooking and I would say he is crazy about it. He pays a lot of attention to health and what he always says is that don’t put too many oil into your dishes because it will block your artery and you will get some serious diseases such as cardiovascular problems. I guess I learned a lot from him because previously I often order takeout since it's fast and convenient, but under his influence I started to make dinner by myself because home-made food is the best.





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