雅思口语Part 2新题素材

2022-06-13 14:41:09 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
Describe an important river or lake in your country you should say where it is located how big or long it is what it looks like and explain why it is important

Describe an important river or lake in your country

you should say

where it is located

how big or long it is

what it looks like

and explain why it is important

Well I would like to talk about Yangtze river, which is one of the longest river in China. As for how long it is, actually I don’t know the exact length, but it just stretches from the very western part of China, probably from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, zigzagging its way to the east end of this country and running into the ocean. So you can see it looks like a dragon if you take a look at it from a satellite in outer space.


Along its way, you can find a lot of hydro-electric power stations, which generate electricity for places nearby or even for provinces in further distance. The Three Gorge Dam, which has been built like decades ago and now provides electricity for a large part of China, is the most massive power station.


Besides, if you take a cruise along its course, you will be impressed by how breathtaking the scenery is along the way. There are also lots of ships on it, coming and going all the time. Bulk goods are transported to destinations on its watercourse.


Another thing I need to mention is that its water is also the main source for the irrigation of farmlands on its bank. Therefore,there is no doubt that it’s a treasure to people all over the country.





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