雅思口语Part 2素材分享

2022-06-10 13:59:37 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
Describe a person who contributes to the society You should say Who this person is How you knew him / her What type of work he /she does And explain why you think he / she contributes to the society

Describe a person who contributes to the society

You should say

Who this person is

How you knew him / her

What type of work he /she does

And explain why you think he / she contributes to the society

Well after a bit of thought, the person I have decided to talk about is Jack ma, who is a big name businessman in China. He is so well-known that I guess it is very hard not to know him in China.


As for what type of work he does, like I mention before, he many does business and the website, Taobao, was set up by him. I am impressed by his vision because he created his e-commerce empire. Like many years ago, nobody could imagine how online business could be so booming, but he was very insightful, and he took the chance and started his journey in this field, which has brought him great success.


In terms of why he contributes to the society, well I think he is a go-getter and the business he does definitely is quite influential in China. His life story is also very touching, from which people can learn a lot. He used to be an English teacher, but he was very decisive, I mean, he gave up his teaching career and turn to this brand-new industry, which must have taken him great courage.


In the journey of his business, he went through all the ups and downs and now he made it. I hope I could be as tenacious as him and make some breakthroughs in my life.





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