
2021-08-02 17:21:24 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
(1)这道题重复了 2020年4月21日线下题目。 这道题的考题分析,老师已经在公众号里推送过3次啦!今天再次推给大家! (2) 这个话题本身很简单,很常规。想要得:一定要对比 + 展开时细节要丰富,体现出多样的词汇句型变化。具体可以参考老师给的思路。


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综合是关于,在2个不同地方发现orca 是不是同一个的争论 .

Many students starting university must choose a major (main field of study at university), and parents of these students often give them advice about which major to choose.
Some parents tell students to choose the major that most interests the students. Other parents tell students that it is best to choose a major that will lead to a job with a high salary, even if that major may not be the one that most interests the students.
Which approach do you believe is better, and why? Be sure to use your own words. Do not use memorized examples.


(1)这道题重复了 2020年4月21日线下题目。 这道题的考题分析,老师已经在公众号里推送过3次啦!今天再次推给大家!

(2) 这个话题本身很简单,很常规。想要得*:一定要对比 + 展开时细节要丰富,体现出多样的词汇句型变化。具体可以参考老师给的思路。 

(3) 通过写作团讲授的常用分析题目角度,就可以找到很多适用的对比点:
① 工作角度:
--- 好工作的专业能帮助自己尽快过上好生活。因为这些专业能够帮我*在大的科技,医药,等公司找到一份收入不错的工作。这样不仅尽早还清助学贷款,还可以买大房子和好车,还可以带家人去旅行。然而,感兴趣的文学,表演等专业是很难做到的。
--感兴趣的课程也可以帮助以后的事业。被认为不好就业但广受学生喜欢的文学,艺术,音乐也不仅能帮助学生更好地找到工作,也能帮助他们工作以后变成更有创意,or 更好的*者。比如,乔布斯在大学里drop 了不喜欢的专业课,选择了字体课。没想到十多年后,他创造Apple 电脑的时候,就把字体课上学到的知识融入进去了,使得apple 的电脑更有创意。也帮助他赚了很多钱。


② 心里压力角度:
③ 学习效果角度。
---选择好就业的专业可能并不能取得好成绩。因为自己不喜欢写程序,构建数学模型,到实验室里穿着制服做枯燥的实验。学习可能很不认真。但是,自己感兴趣的工作就会非常认真学习,不在意在课后多花时间去读完老师布置的所有readings, 多熬夜去认真完成作业,自己主动地像老师请教一些自己不懂的知识点。成绩自然会好很多。


总观点:I prefer the major I am interested in.

中间段1:Admittedly, the major leading to good jobs can help students get a good material life. Majoring statistical analyses, computer science, or chemistry is very welcomed among high technology companies, medical companies. The sooner students can land a job there with a handsome salary after graduation, the sooner they can enjoy a better off life, such as purchasing a fancy car or affording a luxurious family trip around the world.(改编于写作团day10素材句子) However, the sole benefit brought by promising majors cannot outweigh those from its counterpart.  
中间段2:First, the major preferred/favored by students can also give them competitive edges in carving their careers. Courses such as performance, literature, and music are seemingly not as promising as Math and Computer Science, but they can help students get into the mind of a character and benefit students in terms of how they promote themselves to recruiters. Furthermore, involvement in such pursuits can help develop empathy in future leaders.(《经济学人》素材·) For example, 当我读完《乔布斯传记》后,我明白一个一位杰出的*者是不喜欢墨守成规的,而是喜欢更有创意的大胆的人。所以我在找工作面试的时候,就敢于说出自己对公司发展的看法… *后成功的获得了那份工作。
中间段3:Second, it is studying the major students love that is more likely to guarantee an outstanding academic performance at college.....

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