
2021-07-31 15:19:07 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编




As is known to all, the problem of obesity is haunting the public, with an increasing number of overweight population nowadays. While some people opine that increasing the price of fattening food can be an effective solution, I would argue that the other means can better fundamentally address the issue.

Admittedly, raising the price of food, especially those directly related to corpulence, can refrain people's purchase desire to some extent. Considering relatively higher costs for such kind of fattening food, such as burgers and cakes, residents may reduce consumption gradually, therefore leading to less fatty food lovers and accordingly less overweight population in the long run.

However, this solution can hardly uproot the obesity issue since it is impossible to stop public's crazy pursuits for fattening food when they have not raised the consciousness of healthy lifestyle. Under the circumstances, higher prices merely exert considerable pressure on ordinary customers, rather than achieve the goal of dealing with the problem. Therefore, enhancing public awareness can radically play a pivotal role in tackling the obesity issue. For one thing, through non-commercial advertising on TV shows, busy office workers can be motivated to exercise on a regular basis, which is an effective method to promote healthy lifestyles. For another, holding lectures on mental health is also crucial for the public to change their mindset and get rid of overweight problems caused by excessive living stress. If they are able to relieve their pressure through adopting other efficient measures, fatty food is no longer the kind of pleasure they can hardly abandon.

In conclusion, although pricey fattening food can partly help resolve the obesity problem, people should change their lifestyles and mindsets to fully eradicate the issue.



诚然,练习高食品价格,尤其是与肥胖直接相关的食品价格,可以在一定程度上抑制人们的*欲望。考虑到汉堡、蛋糕等这类增肥食品的成本相对较高,居民可能会逐渐减少消费,从而导致脂肪食品爱好者减少,从而长期减少超重人群。       》》》点击免费领取资料







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