
2021-07-31 15:04:07 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编




It is undeniable that industriousness always pushes us to surpass our limitations and leads us to success. However, overwork could have adverse outcomes. This essay will first pinpoint why people are encouraged to work hard and then analyse whether it is worthwhile to be diligent on all occasions.

There are several factors why people are willing to endeavour more in the study and work than others. In the educational context, working hard can provide significant rewards for highly motivated students. By performing better, they are entitled to choose their favourite majors and dream schools. In some poor areas where the studying resources are rare, studying hard seems to be the only way to escape poverty and create an entirely new life. From a career perspective, occupational promotion drives employees to outperform others by means of diligence, leading to better chances of higher income and management level. As a result, employees would devote all their passion and enthusiasm to the sustainable development of their companies.

Nevertheless, working long hours may not guarantee success. Instead, it exerts a detrimental influence on health and creativity. Aside from endurance and perseverance, some work requires the ability to work strategically. Some people who always keep busy are simply wasting away their time by working on low-value tasks. Besides, many studies show that overload of work leaves people no time to relax and improve work-life balance, giving rise to stress disorders and other neurological illnesses. As a result, the imagination will dry up, with no novel ideas coming up.

In conclusion, hard work can be a component of success only when applied to the right tasks and activities. The hectic work schedule, which undermines one's health and creativity, is never a risk worth taking. 




然而,长时间工作并不能*证成功。相反,它会对健康和创造力产生不利影响。除了耐力和毅力,有些工作还需要战略性工作的能力。一些总是忙碌的人只是通过处理低价值的任务来浪费时间。此外,许多研究表明,工作超负荷使人们没有时间放松和改善工作与生活的平衡,从而导致压力障碍和其他神经系统疾病。结果,想象力就会枯竭,没有新的想法出现。 》》》点击免费领取资料






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