
2021-07-30 09:30:43 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编



  I chose it because of the ranking, but when I actually watched it, I realized that it was a teen's movie. However, I didn't regret watching it because I think I learned something from the movie. It is interesting because it sees celebrity life from another angle and tells us that we are blessed to be common people because there is more freedom for us to enjoy. In the film, it shows us how hard it might be when a person can't make his own choices and decisions. At that point, material wealth will not matter to them because they can't live their life the way they really want to.

  It helped me to reflect on my own life. Now I see I should just enjoy my life because everyone has the right to enjoy his or her life no matter who he or she is.



  我近看了一部叫 Starstruck 的电影,这是一部迪斯尼电影,讲述了*的流行歌星克里斯托弗如何爱上了一个普通的女孩杰西卡。这部电影是在洛杉矶拍摄的,上映时间是 2010 年 2 月,不算太老。

  我是因为排名而选择的,但当我实际观看时,我意识到这是一部青少年电影。然而,我并不后悔观看它,因为我认为我从电影*到了一些东西。很有意思,因为它从另一个角度看名人生活,告诉我们做普通人是有福的,因为我们有更多的自由享受。在这部电影中,它向我们展示了当一个人无法做出自己的选择和决定时可能会多么艰难。那时,物质财富对他们来说不再重要,因为他们无法按照自己真正想要的方式生活。    》》》点击免费领取资料






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