6.20日托福考题分析| 老师讲 or 让学生讨论?

2021-07-27 10:31:29 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
综合是CFLs(一种新能源灯里面有硫) 阅读说这种灯不好给了三个理由: 1. 贵, 2. 对环境不好(释放水银), 3. 发的光不好因为他只能发很小范围的颜色的光 阅读是和Incandescent bulbs 对比





1. 贵,

2. 对环境不好(释放水银),

3. 发的光不好因为他只能发很小范围的颜色的光

阅读是和Incandescent bulbs 对比

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2虽然是释放硫但是 IB也放而且用IB耗电多会有更多的危害,总体来说IB对环境更不好,




Do you agree or disagree with the statement:

High school teachers (teachers of students ages 14-18) spend most of class time lecturing (speaking) while the students listen and take notes. Other high school teachers spend most of class time on discussion and projects that students are highly involved in and exchange their ideas. Which of these two approaches do you think is more effective for student learning and why?



一. 这道题重复了2019.11.16日的考题. 也是我的冲刺团第1~3期的练习题目. 
这道题的考题分析公众号也推送过,今天再次推送给大家. #这个宝藏公众号,不得不关注#

二. 审题注意点: 
1. high school:
--*课程主要是:Literature;Math; Ecology; Physics … 这种比较专业的*学科了。讲解的也主要是基础知识.
--*课程的主要*是:1.让学生explore their potential; 找到自己的兴趣所在。2.积累一定的知识,为以后大学学习做准备。3.培养好的学习方法和习惯develop/get into good habits,为以后做准备。
2. students aged 14-18
3. listen and takes notes
-- 学生上课能听懂老师将的数学方程式/文学分析方法,但是发现做题的时候又不会了…
4. discussion/projects/exchange ideas
-- 以学生为主导,能吸引engage学生的兴趣,更加投入/主动
-- exchange ideas能在交流的过程中知道自己的理解错误的地方,向别人学习
-- 学生有可能在交流过程中就聊天了,*后没有结果和实际意义
5. effective for students learning
-- 这2种方法的比较都限定在“学习的效率”上。所以大家就不要写-交朋友/增进友谊等跟学习无关的内容了。


总观点:I prefer the second approach.

让步段:Admittedly, allowing students to spend mostof the class time on discussion runs a higher risk of wasting precious time.The time may end up being utilized to discuss their idols’ newly released album or to gossip their classmates. … However, this kind of side-effect may only take place in the beginning. As long as teachers give clear instructions and requirements, students will eventually realize they have to focus on assigned topics; otherwise, they will not accomplish the assignment in time.


中间段2:A class-based project can better helpstudents employ what they have learned in practice.-- It is common to notice that while teachers are illustrating complicated math equations, students are just either quickly writing them done or staring at the blackboard without reallyputting thoughts in it....-By contrast, given a project to figure out an efficient way to count numbers/ the hidden meaning of The Great Gatsby will promote students' initiatives in looking up reference and lecture notes. Such a student-centered approach/teaching pedagogy is instrumental in enabling students to absorb knowledge efficiently.


中间段3:Besides, such a student-centered pedagogyengages students’ attention better than its counterpart.-- Once students take the initiative to do research, they will devote themselves to it, instead of waiting for teachers’answer, an approach that usually does not take too long before sapping students’ interest in the course.

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