暑期托福辅导:托福写作语料学习之好钱途 or 好前途?

2021-07-22 13:43:28 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
1. 本文用了哪4个不同的词汇来表达“*”“一般大学”? 2.



对于这个问题, 自己身边的同学,朋友,家长,长辈,各种大V都以过来人的身份发表了很多看法。




Some parents tell students to choose the major that most interests the students. Other parents tell students that it is best to choose a major that will lead to a job with a high salary, even if that major may not be the one that most interests the students. Which approach do you believe is better, and why?


Our  have the opportunity to choose either one of two types of majors (fields of study), which one of the following two majors do you think is a better choice, and why?

1.A major that would allow him to finish years of study and get a degree sooner (so that he would begin to work full-time quickly).

2.A major that requires many years of study that would provide him with more employment opportunities and offers in the future.

所以老师专门从<经济学人>中挑选出一篇相关文章<Money and meaning>推荐给大家。 


*步: 看中文,理解思路




相比招生标准较低的大学, *大学的毕业生一般收入更高,因此人们可能会以为*开设的课程更实用。然而,英国教育部的数据显示情况正相反。*的本科生更有可能学习哲学和古典文学等纯*性专业,而在招生标准更宽松的大学,学生则倾向选择商科或护理等职业性专业
Since elite universities tend to produce higher-earning graduates than less selective institutionsdo, people might expect them to teach more practical courses. Yet data from Britain's department for education show the opposite. Undergraduate students at prestigious universitiesare more likely to study purely academic fields such as philosophy and classics, whereas those at less choosy ones tend to pick vocational topics such as business or nursing. 


1. *大学: elite universities=prestigious universities  

2. 招生标准更宽松/更低的学校:less selective institutions= less choosy institutions

3. 实用学科:practical courses

4. 职业性: vocational. adj. 

5. 学习纯*性专业: study purely academic fields. 


这看似矛盾的现象该如何解释?原因之一是雇主认为*大学的学位是一个衡量智力的指标。这意味着在*大学攻读*性专业的学生仍能“钱”途光明剑桥大学创意艺术类专业(该校毕业生收入前景*的专业)的毕业生在2*时的收入中位数约为25,000英镑(32,400美元),跟赫尔大 学(Hull)等不太*大学的经济学专业毕业生的收入相仿
What could explain this seeming contradiction? One reason is that employers treat a degree from a top university as a proxy for intelligence. This means that students at elite institutions can study bookish subjects and still squeak by financially. The median Cambridge graduate in a creative-arts subject—the university's least lucrative group of courses—earns around £25,000 ($32,400) at age 26. Economics students from less exalted universities, such as Hull, make a similar amount. 

6. 代表/委托书: a proxy (for sth.)
7. 雇主认为*大学的学位是一个衡量智力的指标:Employers treat a degree from a top university as a proxy for intelligence.
8. 纯*专业= bookish subjects. 
bookish. adj. 学究气的;书生气的
9. 赚钱的:lucrative
10. 不太*的大学:less exalted universities
exalted. adj. 尊贵的
11. 收入相仿:make a similar amount. 
amount. n. 金额. 

然而,尽管牛津和剑桥的学生可以自称研读《尤利西斯》多年而仍可预期高薪,但攻读人文学科的他们*终要付出相当大的机会成本。这是因为雇主把*起薪留给了既出身*、所学专业又符合市场 需求的毕业生。
Yet even though Oxbridge students can pretend to read “Ulysses" for years and still expect a decent salary, they end up paying a large opportunity cost by pursuing the arts. That is because employers reserve the highest starting wages for students who both attended a leading university and also studied a marketable subject. 

12.  自称做某事: pretend to do sth.
13. 高薪:a decent salary
14. *终做某事:end up doing sth. 
15. 付出相当大的机会成本: pay  a large opportunity cost 
16. 攻读人文学科: pursue the arts. 
17. *留某物给某人:reserve sth. for sb. 
18. 起薪: starting wages 
19. 出身*: attend a leading university 
20. 学习符合市场需求的专业: study a marketable subject 


1. 本文用了哪4个不同的词汇来表达“*”“一般大学”? 

2. "赚钱的专业,纯*专业“ 怎么表达?具体指哪些专业?

3. 为什么选”纯*专业“仍然可以期望高薪?

4. 为了学习”纯*专业“,大学生会有什么损失? 

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