2021-07-22 13:39:46
1. Gently Fanny leaned forward.2. Fanny gently leaned forward.3. Fanny leaned forward gently.1. I almost had forgotten about the trip.2. I had almost forgotten about the trip.3. I had forgotten almost about the trip.1. We will never have enough money to provide all the services that people want.2. We never will have enough money to provide all the services that people want.3. We will have never enough money to provide all the services that people want.
正确的应该是: (1) 1/2/3 全对; (2) 2; (3) 1很多同学估计有点懵了。因为平时我们都没有特意强调过副词的位置。其实很简单:句中(主语+副词+动词; 主语+be/can/have等助动词+ 副词+动词)所以,第(2)题中的1.3 和第 (3)题中的2.3 都错了。always; ever; constantly; frequently; hardly; often; occasionally; rarely; usually; seldom; sometimes; merely... almost; badly; greatly; rather; deeply; greatly; really; even; just; only; simply ....