
2021-07-02 07:01:48 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编


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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never too late for old people to go to universities to get degrees. Use speciric reasons to support your answer.

Intro: agree Body :

1. lifelong process

2. have the ability to leam

3. innovations such as distant learning are available

Transitional words: to start with, also, flnally, therefore

Well ,I agree that it's never too late for old people to get higher education.

To start with, learning, as a lifelong process, has nothing to do with age. People are open to ideas, knowledge and skills no matter how old they are.


Also, they have the ability to learn. Every day each human being is getting a better understanding of the world by learning through books, TV or other kinds of media. Likewise, they are certainly able to sit in the classroom with a teacher to learn.

Finally, such innovations in the sphere of education as distant learning are available for old people to stady at home and

obtain new skills and qualifications.Therefore, it's never too old for old people to go to universities to get degrees.

sphere[ sfia] n.领域,范围

distant learning 远程教育


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