
2021-06-26 22:55:40 来源:网络 作者:
01 Part2话题 Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future You should say: Where this place is How you know this city Why this city is famous And explain why you like to go there. 02 话题分析 这是一道地点类新题,难度中等偏下。关于一个地点、城市的描述我们其实在之前的考题备考中也




Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future
You should say:
Where this place is
How you know this city
Why this city is famous
And explain why you like to go there.







先问“Where this place is?” 地点在哪儿
第二问“How you know this city?” 如何知道的
第三问“Why this city is famous?”为什么出名
这一小问的回答大家其实不用局限于“出名- famous”这两个字,因为出名是具有相对性的,不一定非的要*上大多数人都知道才叫出名,所以你只要选择自己喜欢的城市大胆的去讲述它为什么被大家知道即可,简单来说就是对它的优点的概括描述。可以包含:它是一个适合度假的旅游景点,十分火爆;它的风景美丽,气候宜人;它生活配套设施全面,十分宜居。
第四问“And explain why you like to go there.” 为什么想去







Well, I would definitely choose Lhasa, which is located in the middle part of Tibet, nearly 4000 kilometers from my hometown.


I got to know this city from a travel show on TV when I was probably 7 or 8 years old. It has been the provincial capital of Tibet Autonomous Region for more than 1,300 years, and it is the political, cultural, economic, and religious center of Tibet as well as a sacred place of Tibetan Buddhism.


It is known to all that Lhasa is renowned for its spectacular landscapes and historical sites and cultural relics, so it has captivated countless visitors from all over the world for decades.


As for why I’d like to live there, well, there are a lot of culturally significant Tibetan Buddhist sites such as the Potala Palace, which is a place I’ve been dreaming of for a long time, and I’m really curious how it became a divine place for Tibetan Buddhism. Another reason is that the air quality in Lhasa is much better than most cities in China, so smog condition will be my least concern. You know what, I would be able to see the crystal-clear sky in the daytime and the shinning stars at night if I lived in Lhasa. On top of it, I’m a fanatic of natural scenery. I mean, I can see different wild animals, limpid water and the unbroken mountain ranges. It is in Lhasa that I can fully enjoy those eye-catching landscapes. I gotta say that Lhasa is one of my favorite places I’ve ever been, a real feast for the eyes. Of course, the cost of living is one of my considerations. I’m fed up with the high cost of living in big cities, and I really can’t stand the fast pace of my current lifestyle. So I’m really looking forward to living there in the near future, for the sake my health and longevity.


provincial 省的,一级行政区的

sacred 神圣的

spectacular 壮观的,壮丽的

divine 天赐的;

eye-catching 惹人注意的;引人注目的




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