古今兵法有言:不打无准备之仗。考试前对Part 2卡片题做好充分准备是必要的,也是可能的。说其可能,因为卡片题中规中矩,分类清晰,万变不离其宗,不像Part 3, 可能出现*灵活变招,应接不暇的情况。这两个特点决定了Part 2理应成为广大烤鸭们备考的重点。
Describe a sound in nature, 其实拿到这个题目的时候,我们可以先去头脑风暴一下能不能找到该话题与我们已经准备过话题之间的联系。举个例子来说,公共交通这个话题相信很多烤鸭们一定非常熟悉,可是和自然之声有何关系呢?仔细想想不难发现,我们乘坐交通工具,subway, bus, train, 甚至骑车的时候,耳边拂过风的声音不就是美丽的自然之声吗?
THE SOUND FROM WIND makes a melody through wind when you are riding on a bicycle. By using principles of the instruments such as the Flute or the Ocarina, it makes Analog sound, not Digital sound. You can use buttons on the handle in order to makes various melodies. When you are on the road with THE SOUND FROM WIND, You will be a musician. Because the road is a concert hall and bicycle is an instrument of orchestra. Performance is simple. Sound and volume can be controlled by your fingers and speed of bicycle. That is to say, THE SOUND FROM WIND is the instrument which uses your whole body.
When it comes to this topic, I would like to talk about my favorite natural sound -----rainfall. There are many degrees of rainfall, from light rain to torrential downpour, to thunderstorm, and I love them all. I also enjoy the way in which the sound of rain varies depending upon where you are, for example inside of a building, in a car, or under an umbrella. I particularly enjoy listening to a thunderstorm from my room late at night. It makes me feel calm and puts me right to sleep.