
2021-06-15 22:38:40 来源:网络 作者:
常坐飞机的人 Describe a person who often travels by plane Who he / she is Where he/she goes to Why she /he travels by plane How this person feels about it

Part2&3 人物类(新题)

Describe a person who taught you something important You should say:
Who the person is
Where did you meet him or her What did the person taught you
And explain how you feel about what he or she taught you

In primary school, I had a big shortcoming - carelessness. Often because of some small mistakes, my test result is always not very good, but at first I don't care that much. I thought that as long as the basic idea was right, I didn't have to care about the details. However in an important examination, I did not observe the question clearly, so I made a lot of mistakes. When I received my results and found out the reason why I lost my mark, I became silent. After the teacher got to know my situation, she called me to the office. She didn't blame me, but told me a story.A big country failed in testing an important and extremely dangerous technical operation. There are a large number of casualties, causing huge losses. And behind all the tragedies, it's just a number - 0.
I was stunned. This is the great tragedy caused by carelessness! If we had been more serious, how could we have ended up like this? "The reason for losing points is not to think that many things can be mastered in general, but to pay attention to details. Just like this story, it is a very painful lesson because there is an extra" 0 "that leads to such a tragedy." A stream of blood rushed to my heart. At that time, there was only one sentence in my heart: "I have to change.".
Later, when I went to high school and college, I kept reminding myself that I could not be as careless as I was when I was a child and make mistakes that I should not have made. Maybe the world is like this. A small thing that is not paid attention to often leads to catastrophe. On the road of life, carefulness is absolutely a necessary skill.

What are the qualities that a good teacher must have?
Well there are piles of qualities that a good teacher must be equipped with. And let me take patience as an example. I mean, there can be students with slow thinking, but these students may sometimes tend to think deeper than others, and with a long studying period, they may do better afterwards, you know, just like eagles. And the duty for teachers is to believe their potential and guide them, in this situation, patience is of great importance.

When should children receive education?
Well definitely. It is only when students receive education that they can learn more about themselves as well as the world. Without education,

From your side, at what age should kids go to school?
Well usually go to school at the age of 6, which is the stipulated of the Ministry of education. Whereas there are also circumstances that kids cannot adapt to school and have to spend another year in kindergarten, and there are also kids who are smart enough to start school at the age of 5 or even 4, it depends.

What are the differences between the old and the young in accepting new ideas?
Generally, young people are more in accepting new ideas since they are not trapped by the precedents and the rules, just like the saying goes, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. But this does not mean that old people are always stubborn and cannot accept new ideas.

What do Chinese parents feel if their children begin to learn English at a young age?
Well, in China, the situation tends to be complex. On the one hand, Chinese parents fear that their kids may not enjoy a happy childhood if they start learning at a very young age, and on the other hand, with so many kids begin learning, they feel like their kids win the race of their life if they can start at a younger age.

Describe a family member who you spent the most time with You should say:
Who the person was
What you guys did together
Why do you spend the most time with that person
and explain how you feel about spending time with the person

I want to talk about my grandmother, who is more than eighty years old, she is a kind old women, with her hair all white, and her face engraved with a few wrinkles .
She cares about my brother and me a lot. When we were little kids, my parents do not have much time to spend with us, so my grandmother cooked for us every day. Since we went to school, my grandma took us to school in the morning and picked us up after school, no matter it was windy or rainy. Day by day, year by year...When we think of this, our hearts are filled with gratitude.
So, in order to repay grandma’s love, my brother and I always help her do something since we were in primary school. We learned doing the housework like cooking and washing clothes at an early age, and whenever we go to the supermarket, we always choose a few things grandma likes with our pocket money we got from our parents, ranging from flower tea, snacks, to new scarf. We have kept this habit for more than ten years and will continue doing so in the next decade. For us, grandma is always the one who love us most, we love spending time with her, that makes us feel really relaxed and comfortable.

In China, how many generations of people live together?
Traditionally, all generations live together, as long as they are alive. And there is a novel called four generations under one roof, according to the life span of human beings, I think 3 or 4 is normal. But in recent years, usually people of different generations do not live together in order to avoid conflicts, so there are usually 2 or only 1 live together.

What are the differences between dad and mom in taking care of the baby?
There is a joke on the Internet that you should never let men look after babies. Whenever they have to do so, they perform weird and childish, sometimes also careless, for instance, there is one dad on the Internet who try to tie his daughter’s hair with a vacuum cleaner. These circumstances never happen when it comes to women. But we have to admit that both men and women love their kids and are always willing to give them the best.

Is it important to build good relationships with family members?
Of course. Family is always the harbor, and family members are always ready to help us whatever we are, rich or poor, they always treat us the same. Just as the saying goes, family harmony is the basis for success in any undertaking.


What are the benefits of younger and older generations living together? How about the drawbacks?
Benefits are that they can learn from each other. Younger generations are able to learn the experiences from older ones, and older generations can learn to be more tolerant to the new ideas and new thinking. Drawbacks are that there can be conflicts because of the difference in their thinking mode.

Which do you prefer, support from family members or friends? Why?
For me as long as it is support I do not care that much where it comes from. But a gun to my head, I will choose my family, since family is always the harbor, and family members are always ready to help us whatever we are, rich or poor.

Who should shoulder more responsibilities in children education?
I think this question is a little childish actually, I do not mean to offend you, but in my opinion every family member should shoulder the responsibility in children education, especially the parents. It is the parents who have the most profound impact on their children, meanwhile, others should also set up good examples for children since kids might learn from their behaviour also.

What do close family ties bring about?
Close family ties brings happiness, of course. When there is close relationship with other family members, people will feel that they are cared about and have the sense of belonging. However there might also be conflicts and troubles when they live together and with their relationship becomes closer.

Describe a person you saw in the news who you really want to meet You should say:
How you know about this person
When and where do you want to meet him or her Why you want to meet this person
And explain how you might feel after meeting the person

The person I want to see most is He Jiong. He majored in Arabic in Beijing Foreign Studies University and now he remain as a teacher of the Arabic Department of Beijing Foreign Studies University. At the same time, he is also a host, singer, actor and director.
I am the fan of the variety show hosted by He Jiong, which is called happy camp. Since the first time I saw this program on TV in junior high school, I have been attracted by the entertainment of the program and He Jiong's high EQ, and that is also the reason for him to appear in the news a lot.
If I have the chance to meet him, I hope I can go to the happy camp to record the scene, experience the process of the program recording, and meet him. I am sure I will be very happy, because He Jiong is my favorite host. As a host, the require of the ability of control and on-the-spot response is very strict. Obviously, He Jiong’s ability is the best in the industry, which is obvious to all, and it is often because of his ability that he can appear in the news a lot. But just to define the host's on-the-spot adaptability as the sign of high EQ, I always feel as if it is a little too assertive. He Jiong's EQ is higher than that of the world, the kindness to others, and the warmth or humor of every rescue, which always gives people a special comfortable feeling. Huang Lei commented on Mr. He, a capable and kind person. Kindness makes teacher he "make everyone decent", and ability makes teacher he do it.

What are the characteristics of these people? Do you want to meet them in person?
Characteristics varies from person to person, but they are all very famous, of course. I am not a fan of anyone, so it is not that attractive to me to meet these people in person. But if it is someone I like, like He Jiong, maybe I will be interested in meeting him.

Do you think what the newspaper has reported can be trusted?
I think authoritative newspapers like People Daily can be trusted. And I never believe the reports from unfamiliar medias. It is always important for us to stay calm and not trust anyone or any report easily.

What kinds of celebrities would appear in the news? What impact do they have on teenagers?
Celebrities with new movements, especially sensational ones will do. Teenagers who are of unstable values and thinking tend to be guided by these reports or behaviors of celebrities, especially their idols, and this is the reason we need to set rules for these celebrities.

Do they produce positive or negative news?
Both, actually. There are positive news like funding for disabled children, working hard to improve their skills, and there are also negative news like having affairs or using the drug.

How do you feel about them?
Actually I do not have much feelings about them. I do not care much about these celebrities, instead I would rather read some books or do some crafts. But I do think they need to be ruled in order to set up good examples for teenagers and also the public.

Do you think it necessary for people at home to be informed of the news abroad? Why?
Yes of course, this is the wold we are living in, thus it is important to know what is happening in the place where we live. It is not only about getting in touch with the outside world, it is also about being studious and always ready to learn from others.

Part2&3 人物类(*留题)
You should say:
Who this person is
What kind of job this person does How you knew him or her
And explain why this person is good at his or her job.

The person I’d like to describe is my English teacher, Ms. Sun. She is around 40 years old, a bit full-figured, long hair, with a pair of glasses. Ms. Sun usually strikes people as a friendly person, but when she’s in the classroom, she can be a bit strict and intimidating.
As I mentioned, Sun teaches English, and she has been doing this job for 20 years. As a high school teacher, she mainly teaches English grammar, but what distinguishes her from other English teachers I’ve met is that she speaks perfect British English, which sounds so pleasant.
I first met her around three years ago. I remember it was her first day with us, and we were all impressed by her beautiful spoken English. Later, I found that she was quite good at her job. I mean she made things so easy for us. And now, I’d say she’s my favorite teacher.
Finally, I wanna explain why Ms. Sun is so good at her job. Well, for me, she’s excellent. To be honest, I didn’t so much enjoy English classes; I always thought it was so boring until I met Sun. I found myself begin to take an interest in this subject, and my score got improved as a result. I guess that’s just because she’s been doing this for so long that she really knows her stuff. Not only me, she’s helped many of her students lift their test scores, and we just love English now all because of her.

How should young people perform on their first jobs?
Usually, young people are lack of experience when they first step into society. It's not uncommon to see that they make mistakes doing their first job or mess up the relationship with colleagues.

How can people improve their job performance?
Hard work makes progress. What's more, a positive initiative is also the key to improving working efficiency. There's no short cut to the success. The more time you put into your job, the greater you'll perform hence the more it will pay back to you.

What skill set should a manager have?
Firstly, a manager should have the responsibility for overseeing the business according to profitability. Secondly, a manager is supposed to produce a pleasant working environment by encouraging employees properly to work as a team.

Do you think what you’ve learnt in university is going to help in your future job?
Of course. I chose my major subject, Chemical Engineering in university based on my personal interest in Chemistry and my plan for future career, which is to design new cosmetics. Admittedly, the knowledge I've learned from university courses would be helpful in those technical researches.

How to improve job motivation?
Two main factor making contributions to job motivation is passion and team work. To improve motivation, a comfortable working atmosphere is essential. In details, some training lessons can be taken to teach employees to respect and collaborate with one other. In addition, a good leader should know his team well in order to provide the motivation by properly taking advantages of different individuals.

Describe a person who often travels by plane Who he / she is
Where he/she goes to
Why she /he travels by plane How this person feels about it

The first person that comes to my mind is my uncle Mark. He is a businessman who owns his own company which is involved in imports and exports. This means that he has to travel a lot both nationally and internationally for meetings with his staff or with clients. As far as I know, he flies a couple of times a month and has probably visited most cities around the world! I often wonder where he is and sometimes I wish I could travel with him.
I once commented to him that he was really fortunate to be able to visit all of these places, but he replied that it’s actually not as glamorous as it sounds. He explained the time he loses hanging around airports and hoping his flight isn’t delayed or even cancelled. Then, he described the tiredness he feels when coping with jet lag from the long haul trips. There is also the lack of family time as he is often away from home on business. In addition to this, he told me that he’s only in these places for such a short time that he doesn’t even have the pleasure to enjoy the sightseeing or to take time to relax there.
However, from his point of view, flying is still more convenient as he can work on his laptop or catch up on his sleep during the flight. He also stated to me that other means of transport aren’t as reliable, and he used to miss appointments in the past due to train delays or traffic jams. From all of his comments, I guess traveling by airplane isn’t as good as it seems after all, so I think I will stick with my job and only fly when I go on holiday.

What’re the advantages of traveling by plane?
The main advantage should be saving time especially for long distances. For example, it only takes 13 hours to fly from Shanghai to London, which took more than three months in the past by ferry. Besides, traveling by plane is comfortable due to the nice service on the plane. Also, plane should be the safest transportation in the world.

Why some people prefer traveling by plane?
I think the first reason is that taking plane is fast and comfortable, especially for long distance travels. Moreover, due to the fierce competition these days, the prices for plane ticket are very attractive. Some budget airlines will provide quite cheap prices, which will save much money for travelers. This will attract many young travelers like students.

What’re the advantages of living near an airport?
The most important advantage is that people is able to catch the plane taking off quite early in the morning. I still remember that I bought a very cheap plane ticket to Switzerland whose taking off time is 7:00 am in the morning. It is almost impossible for me to go there if I didn’t live near the airport. So finally I slept in the hotel near the airport one day before traveling. Besides, usually the hotels near an airport are cheap due to its location. This is also another way to save money if the transportation to the city center is convenient, like Heathrow Airport.

Do you often take plane trips?

Yes, since I study in UK in the past four years, I usually have to take plane trips to European countries. It is very convenient and economical to travel by plane in Europe. But to be honest, for long distance traveling, like from UK to China, I’m tired of it.

Do you want to work in airports? Why or why not?
Um..., l think I don’t feel like to work in airports. The first reason is that this workplace is quite far from my home. This means I have to spend much time on the way every day. Besides, I think working there is somewhat boring, and I tend to do some work fulfilling with changes and challenges.




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