1. 说话的表情: 雅思白话虽然是考试,但纠其本质,仍旧是人与人的面对面交流 ,因而注意自己说法的礼貌、仪态 同样非常重要。通过这些细节,咱们能够展现出对*的尊重 ,也往往能够得到*的正向反馈。因而,同学们在考试过程中能够恰当坚持微笑,这样不但能给自己一些活跃的暗示,同时或许能够争取到*的好感。
2. 白话考场中,同学们必定要注意人称和时态的一致性 。前面刚提到John是位男性,后边就一不小心将人称代词用作了she。又或是前面刚开始聊起上礼拜产生的故事,后边的时态却忘记坚持一致,变成了一般现在时。在平日里练习时,同学们就必定要注意这些小错误,努力纠正自己,这样在考场上才能在高度紧张的状态下坚持人称和时态的自觉。
3. 时刻操控。 特别是对于白话的part2来说,时刻操控格外重要。必定要在规定的时刻内完成对全部问题的作答。因而在预备题卡时,就必定要考虑到自己的语速 ,预备恰当单词数的题卡,千万不要超时或过于简略。
每年1、5、9月是雅思的换题季,同学们在预定到考位之后,必定要*时刻找到当季的白话题库,然后着手预备白话题卡。在预备题卡时,必定要牢记白话考试的四项评分标准,牢记在句子之间添加连接词,灵活运用一些不常见的单词以及习语,并且运用多种语法结构和时态 。为了让同学们更好地了解这样的标准,小编在这里举一个part2的题卡为例,题目为:一个读书写字的当地↓
Well I need to be pushed to study, that’s why I never can study alone, I mean at home. Luckily, I’ve got a really good place for myself, it is called zoo cafe. The name of the cafe is called zoo, which is not big, just four or five blocks around the corner from my house. I found this by coincidence.
One day I walked pass by and found it was fairly quiet inside so I walked in. Since then I became a regular customer. Normally when I come in the morning, I just come with my note book, my lap top and study materials. Coming in the morning, I order myself a cup of coffee or juice and spend my whole day there. Nobody really disturbs my study flow. The whole cafe is themed with zoo so if you walk around it’s not hard for you to notice some paper or plastic made animals like giraffe, tiger and something like that. All the tables and chairs are nicely arranged, and free wifi is provided, so I feel I am quite ease when I here. You know, being surrounded by those energetic positive young people, they are doing their business regardless, I feel like I can pick up my study efficiency better, and most importantly, you know I just enjoy the quiet environment and sometimes the music they choose sometimes really satisfy my taste.
这段文字运用了多种时态,包括一般现在时,现在完成时和一般过去时。在语法结构 上,运用到了时刻状语从句,以及“动词+ing”充当状语等句式。虽然全文没有用到高级词汇 ,但也有用到像by coincidence , regular customer, be themed with等等搭配,显示出了对单词的掌握能力。
为了*制造题卡的效率和质量,同学们能够选择将不同的答题卡串联在一起,也就是说,串答题卡的方法预备part2 。以此题为例,除了讲述关于一个读书写字的当地,还能够联系一个安静的当地、一个喜欢的爱好、和家人一起的时光,咱们人物、事件、地点题都联系到了一起,减少了答题卡的个数,也增加了备考的效率,更能在考场中,变得更加有思路 。
另外,在平日里,也能够积累一些常用的句式 ,以便运用在题卡当中,小编这里也举几个为例:
There is no point doing sth.做什么没有意义
you have the perfect reasons to(be mad)你彻底有理由...
no matter how....,there is no way...
As long as...只要
let us cut to the chase. 开门见山地讲
without further ado. (同上,更正式)不再多说,言归正传