
2021-05-19 21:24:58 来源:网络 作者:



这是一道观点类作文,健康类话题中关于素食的讨论。审题时要注意题目中的 everybody ,因此我们建议持反对观点。然后月半鸭来和大家一起梳理下素食的好处,以及反对的原因。










It is sometimes argued that a healthy diet does not necessarily consist of meat, so we should all become vegetarians. Although a vegetarian diet can certainly benefit the human body in a range of different ways, I disagree with the view that it is the appropriate choice of diet for everyone.


On the one hand, it is undeniable that there are documented health and social benefits to a vegan diet. Since a vegan diet is plant-based, it would be easier for vegetarians to load up on healthy whole grains, fruits, and vegetables that many people on regular diets lack. Furthermore, there is evidence supporting that a vegetarian diet also lowers the risk of heart disease. More importantly, another reason why a lot of vegetarians argue that we should all adopt a meat-free diet is that killing animals for food is unethical. Especially because raising animals in confinement for slaughter is cruel, and many animals are not slaughtered humanely.


In spite of the above arguments, I would argue that those who are not willing to become vegetarian should not be forced to do so. Firstly, eating meat is nothing but natural as humans are omnivores and have evolved to consume even more meat. Vegetarians mistakenly elevate the value of animal life over plant life. Research shows that plants also respond electrochemically to threats, so it is safe to say that eating meat is no more cruel or unethical than eating vegetables. Secondly, there is evidence showing that raising beef is often the most efficient way to produce food for humans, which means that eating meat might be the optimal solution to famine release in certain developing countries eroded by poverty.


In conclusion, it is my belief that people have the right to choose for themselves which diet to adopt.




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