雅思口语新题|Part1: Concentration

2021-04-15 22:09:13 来源:网络 作者:
雅思口语新题|Part1: Concentration

1 twiddle/'twd()l/one's thumbs 玩弄着两个大拇指;闲得无聊;无所事事;

Over the class, I just twiddled my thumbs, watching the door.上课期间,我心不在焉地玩弄着两个大拇指,望着门口。

2 drone on and on 用单调乏味的声音不停地讲

The teacher droned on and on while they scribbleddown some notes.老师用单调乏味的声音不停地讲,学生们则潦潦草草地记下笔记。

3 read in a flat drone like an old vacuum cleaner 用干巴巴、低沉单调的声音念着,就像一台老掉牙的吸尘器

in a deep stupor昏昏沉沉的

The teacher opened his notes and began to read in a flat drone like an oldvacuum cleaner until nearly everyone in the class was in a deep stupor. 老师打开他的笔记,用干巴巴、低沉单调的声音念着,就像一台老掉牙的吸尘器,*后全班同学都昏昏沉沉的。

4 jerk out of trance 从恍惚状态中清醒过来

Jim, who had been sitting with his mouth hanging open,gazing out of the window, jerked out of his trance.姆刚才一直张着嘴,呆呆地望着窗外,这时突然从恍惚状态中清醒过来.

5 be absorbed in 全神关注于

He was absorbed in his work when we went to visit him. 我们去看他的时候,他正全神贯注于他的工作。

6 be all ears 洗耳恭听;全神贯注地听

Now tell us all about your adventures in Africa last summer. I'm all ears. 现在给我们讲讲你去年夏天的非洲之旅吧,我们洗耳恭听。




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