雅思口语*想要的答案 IELTS Speaking

2021-03-18 20:28:03 来源:网络 作者:
雅思口语*想要的答案 IELTS Speaking

Hi, guys. It's Keith from IELTSspeakingsuccess and I'm here to help you speak better English give better answers and get a higher score on the IELTS speaking test. So, today I'm gonna rock your world seriously.

嗨,伙计们。我是 IELTSspeakingsuccess 网站的基斯,我在这里帮助大家*英语口语,给出更好的答案,在雅思口语考试中获得更高的分数。今天,我要震撼你的*。

Today you're gonna find out why the examiner asks the questions they ask in the IELTS speaking and what they're really listening for? If you're preparing for IELTS speaking, you've got to listen to this.


Let's get straight into it. Okay, so in part 1 and part 3 of the IELTS test, the examiner tends to ask the same kind of questions, doesn't matter what the topic is, the same kind of questions come up again and again.


And I'm gonna show you what these kinds of questions are. Today, I'll be looking at part 1, but what's more important is why they ask these questions, okay.


Take an example, right. In part 1, you may be asked "Do you cook?" Now, most students may think "Well, the examiner wants to know if I cook. Let me think. Oh, no, I don't. So, I'll just say no."


Or maybe you think "Well, yes, ok. Yes, I do cook." Ok, the examiner doesn't want to know if you cook.


He doesn't care or she doesn't care if you cook. What the examiner is really asking is can you talk about an activity, right, and can you use different tenses to talk about that activity, and are they the appropriate tenses, right.


So, actually, the examiner wants to see what you can do, how you can answer that question. So, the examiner may, in part one, ask you "Do you often cook?"


"Does he mean, or she, mean cooking hot food? Does breakfast count? "I wonder if he's if they are asking about Eastern food or Western food or my local food."


"I'm not sure what, what do they want me to say." That's the wrong question. It's not what should I say, it's what can I say .


What, you know, the examiner is saying "Show me what you can say." So, here's another brief example, right, of what the examiner is looking for.


Typical question is "Did you do this as a child?" in part one, okay. It could be anything: Did you play a musical instrument as a child? Did you sing as a child? Did you cook as a child? Did you do something as a child?


What do you think the examiner is asking you? That's right. They don't care if you cooked.


They want to know can you talk about something in the past. Now, that may be talking in the past: past habit, frequency in the past, may be connecting to the present.


But what can you talk about, talk about the past? "So, did you play an instrument as a child?" - "Yes, I played the violin. I used to play every day. I would practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays for about an hour."

但你能谈些什么,关于过去的什么?“你小时候玩乐器吗?” - “是的,我拉过小提琴。我过去每天都拉。我会在星期二和星期四练习大约一个小时。”

You see and the examiner's going. . . they're not thinking about "piano" or "Tuesday" or "Thursday", they're thinking "I played", past tense, "I used to play", past habit, "I would play every Tuesday", the use of "would" for a past habit. That's the language that they're processing, okay.

看,*要......他们并不是在想“钢琴”或“星期二”或“星期四”,他们在想“I played”,过去时,“I used to play”,过去的习惯,“I would play every Tuesday”,“would”的使用,表示过去的习惯。这是他们正在处理的语言。

The examiner doesn't just make up the questions, right. It's not "Oh, I'll ask you about your hobbies. I wonder what hobbies this person has."


"What hobbies do you have?" No, the questions come in the examiner's question book and they are created by Cambridge Assessment who do a lot of research into creating the questions, making sure they're reliable and valid and that they test what they want them to test.


So, in addition to that, the British Council does a lot of research on the IELTS test on how it's taken, what the impact is, how it works, what the student journey is, if you like through IELTS. And all of this research and investment in research is to make the test as good as it possibly can be.


So, when it comes to asking questions, these are not random questions, they're specially chosen questions. So, let me explain a little bit why this is important.


The questions are designed especially to be quite open, right? "Do you often cook?"


A very low level candidate could answer that and a band 9 could answer that, right? So, the questions, especially at the beginning, are very very open and easy.


That doesn't mean the answers have to be easy, okay? The answers can be as complex as you'd like, but the questions are deliberately open: Do you often cook? Do you often drive? Do you play an instrument? Do you use your mobile phone?


All of these are very very open questions and they're designed to allow lower-level candidates to show language and higher-level candidates to show off language. That's the difference. Well, let me take that question: Do you often cook? and show you what different band students might say and how it's about what you can show off, okay.


Do you often cook? Band 1 student might say: Yes.


A Band 2 student might say: Yes, I do. A bad 3 student may say: Yes, I often cook.


A band 4 might say: Yes, I often cook. I cook in evenings. A band 5 might say: Yes, I love to cook, I usually cook most evenings.


A band 6 might say: Yes, I adore cooking. It's my favorite hobby and I'm usually the one who cooks in the evenings. And a band 7 might say: Yes, I absolutely adore trying my hand at different meals such as Italian, Spanish, even Chinese. You can usually find me knocking something up in the kitchen most evenings.


Can you see at different bands? You may be showing off different language and the more language you show off, the higher up you're going.


Now that doesn't mean you need to use three or four tenses in one answer, but across the whole test, you need to be showing a wide range of tenses grammatical structure and vocabulary. So, this is what the questions are about. They're giving you a door and saying "Show off what you can say in English."


Keep it appropriate, right? So, if they say "Do you often cook?", you don't say "I will cook tomorrow", it's not quite appropriate for the context.


But you can say "Well, I used to cook a lot, but I don't cook so much nowadays", right, "I used to", past habit, "but I don't cook so much nowadays", present. That's absolutely fine, a good answer.

但你可以说:“嗯,我过去经常做饭,我但现在不怎么做饭了。”对吧,“I used to”,过去的习惯,“but I don't cook so much nowadays”,现在。这完全没问题,一个好答案。

Another worry some students have especially students who are well prepared and they know what questions come up in part one is they worry "what if I answer the next question?" So, the examiner asks me, well, "Do you drive?"


Well, how much do I say? Because I know the next questions are "Do you often drive/Do you like driving/Did you drive as a child?" Drive as a child? Did you drive as a student, maybe.

So, if in the first answer, I say "Yes, I drive. I've I've been driving for 10 years and I love it."


"Is that too much because I'm answering the next question?" Don't over think. Don't think about that at all, okay. It doesn't matter. Two things will happen.


One, either the examiner asks you the next question and so, you answer, or the examiner will skip that question because they've noticed you've already answered and they'll skip to the next question, which is fine.

In the first case, though, if the examiner goes to the next question but you've already answered it, now it's not that the examiner's stupid, right, and they're not listening, it's actually that they're testing you.


So, if you say, for example, the question is "Do you drive?" "Yes, and I love driving."


Then, the examiner may say, "Do you like driving?" Now, you may be tempted to say, "Eh, well yes, like I just said, I like driving." Okay.


Don't do that, mainly because it's not very polite, but also because it's not showing off your language, remember? The goal is to show off your language. It's not very polite because you imagine, right, you're at a party and you arrive at the party and somebody introduces you to two or three, two or three people:


This is John. This is Jane. This is Sarah. "Hello, hello." And then you go and speak to one of them say, oh, you're going speak to Sarah, but you've forgotten the name "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name."


Now, does Sarah say "Eh, he just told you my name's Sarah"? Not really, not very polite, right? Sarah will probably say "Oh, that's fine, don't worry. Yeah, my name's Sarah and what was your name again?"


Different, very different. It's the same. So, if the examiner has just heard you say "I love driving" and then they ask you "Do you like driving?"


Well, you could say "Yes, I do. You know, I'm a big fan of driving, as I just mentioned, it's something I really get into and love doing." The difference is A: you're being polite making a good impression and B: you're showing off your language.


It's a great opportunity to show different synonyms and different ways of talking about liking something because remember, they're not interested in whether you like driving, they're interested in can you talk about likes and liking something and how do you do that. That's the thing.


Right? So, don't worry and don't think about speaking too much or answering the next question. It doesn't matter. Also, don't worry if the examiner seems a bit stupid by repeating questions.


Either they've chosen to and they are testing you, testing your language, right, or they're just following the script. So in part one, the questions are scripted.


The examiner has to ask those questions; they can't make up other questions. They can't follow the conversation.


They can't say "Oh, that's interesting. Tell me have you ever. . ." No, because that's not the question. They have to use the questions in front of them, but they can skip some if they want.


That's for part one Side note in part three is semi-scripted and they can ask some extra probing questions if they want, but that's another question for another day for another video.

这就是*部分。 第三部分的旁注是部分的,如果他们愿意,他们可以问一些额外的试探性问题,但那是另一个问题,下次视频中再讲。

Today I'm just looking at part one. So, I hope you can see that the questions are not about what you may think they're about.


They're about language and it's all about "show me what you can do". Again, an important point: don't try and cram in lots of complex language into every answer, but be aware over the fifty minutes of the test, you want to be, when possible, introducing more complex tenses, structures, clauses, vocabulary, and so on.


So, that's it, and so here's a question for you. Write your answer down in the comments, actually two questions, bearing in mind what you've just learned.


Here's your two questions: Do you eat out a lot?


And did you eat out a lot as a child? Those are two questions.


Write your answers in the comments below. I would love to hear from you now.


Today, I've just covered a few questions of part 1. If you want to know all the different question types of part one and actually part three to really understand what the examiner is asking, all of this is in my online course IELTS Speaking Success: Get the Band 7+.

今天,我们讲了*部分的一些问题。如果你想知道*部分和第三部分的所有不同的问题类型来真正理解*在问什么,我的在线课程 IELTS Speaking Success: Get the Band 7+ 里面都有。

All the tips and strategies and understanding of what the test is really about is in there, full of model answers, full of practice for you. Go and check it out.

At the same time, if you liked the video, subscribe, turn on the notifications, and look out for the next one, where hopefully I'll be giving you lots of new things to learn to study, so you can get better English, better answers, and a higher score in the IELTS speaking test. Take care.





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