
2019-01-15 01:14:28 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编




  Nowadays more and more kids are getting fatter and being less fit in some countries. What do you think are the causes? How to solve the problem?

  Obesity has become one of the biggest challenges for people in the 21st century and it has posed a great threat to children’s health condition. Therefore,the factors responsible for this problem will be discussed in this report and then the feasible solutions will be given accordingly.

  The prevalence of fast food and the lack of exercise should be blamed for this worrying trend. The quick meal has long been accused of being high in fat,salt and calories and it is always served in large portions. However,these hamburgers,fried chickens and pizzas are warmly welcome among children,leading to the fact that the number of obese minors have significantly increased. Besides,the excessive reliance on technology and the heavy academic burden give rise to the neglect of workout. Children are commonly seen seating in the classroom and cars instead of running on the playground or treadmill.

  The responsibility of solving the problem mentioned above falls on government and schools. The former,with its administrative power entrusted by citizens,can make laws to constrain the spread of fast food. To be more specific,imposing heavy tax on fast food industry is a good way worth trying. As for the latter,it directly cultivates and affects children’s way of life,including eating habits. That is to say,schools have the compelling obligation to lead their students to eat healthily through compulsory lessons,extracurricular activities or some warm-up or quiz before class.

  In conclusion,the fatness of children is mainly attributed to two reasons. To settle this problem,the policymakers should limit the proliferation of fast food industry and schools are supposed to highlight the importance of wholesome eating habits.





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