上海雅思口语范文:Describe a recent development in your city

2020-10-19 10:12:32 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编
1月雅思口语Part2新题-Describe a recent development in your city城市里*近发展的一个项目。此话题堪称是1月雅思口语变题季Part2话题中*难的一个话题。今天小编给到大家此话题的满分范文,说的就是*各地正在大建的地铁项目

  1月雅思口语Part2新题-Describe a recent development in your city城市里*近发展的一个项目。此话题堪称是1月雅思口语变题季Part2话题中*难的一个话题。今天小编给到大家此话题的满分范文,说的就是*各地正在大建的地铁项目。

  Describe a recent development in your city

  You should say:

  which one it is

  what it looks like

  what the area was like before

  And explain how you feel about it》》点我领取在线免费试听课程


  I want to talk about this now subway station just finished near my home.Now,we can walk down from the street and subway there to almost anywhere else in the city.

  Berfore it was finished,the whole area was under construction for nearly 2 years,and because of that ,the traffic in the whole area was just terrible, especially during the rain when all the dust and sand from the site got all over the place.

  But it 's all over now,and we can finally have a fresh new start and heap harvest.You know,now,the whole area is nice and clean,all the area that was kept from the public is now open again,and all the traffic is finally back to normal.

  And even better,with the new subway nearly,people can enjoy much more convenience,they can take the subway instead of driving their own cars,and travel to anywhere else in the city without much trouble.

  And best of all,because of the easy transportation,the price of the nearly apartment buildings have all gone up,including mine.

  So all the suffering we had during the 2 year construction finally paid off.





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