"The new rules should thus expose polluters to a scissor-style pressure:from above,through the central-planning system,and from below,from the media and organisations such as Mr Ma's."
xxx be exposed to a scissor-style pressure: from above, through…, and from below, from….
1. A majority of the youths today are exposed to a scissor-style pressure: from above, through looking after the ever growing aging population, and from below, from the soaring costs of raising children.
2. A multitude of teenagers at present are exposed to a scissor-style pressure: from above, through their parents with ever-higher expectations, and from below, from their peers most of whom try their best to outdo each other.
1. People care more about public recognition than about money.
2. Younger school children should be required to study music and art in addition to language, science, and mathematics.
While, arguably, this “finding” is as trivial as an umbrella that turns blue when it’s going to rain, there is nothing trivial about collecting personal data, as innocuous as that data may seem.
While...seems/sounds as adj. as can be, there is nothing more adj. than...
我们在独立写作中经常用到对比的写法。这个句型可用在具有对比意味的语境中,前半句当作让步,“尽管对比中的一个因素看起来已经很…”, 后半句转折说“但是另一个因素更…”.
1. While environmental protection seems as pressing as can be, there is nothing more pressing than feeding the growing population in disadvantaged countries where the original eco-system is well preserved.
While a secure job seems as tempting as can be, there is no job more tempting than a risky and well-paid one for the new generation who are mostly avid challenge hunters.
While playing sports with a couple of friends sounds as relaxing as can be, there is nothing more relaxing than a good book or an old movie for those manual laborers who are wearied out with strenuous physical work every day.
1. Feeding the world’s growing population is more important than protecting environment.
这道题中如果我们持同意的意见,就可以用到第 一个例句。尽管到处都在宣扬*护环境的重要,但是并非*各地的环境都破坏了啊,比如美丽的非洲大草原原始生态环境*持完好,但是一些边缘小国民不聊生,人民瘦的皮包骨,你说feed population重要还是*护环境重要呢?
2. It is better to take a secure job with a low pay than to take a risky one with a high salary.
3. To read a book or to watch a movie is a better way to relax than to do some physical exercises.
句型3 原文材料:
It takes very little imagination to foresee how the kitchen mood wall could lead to advertisements for antidepressants that follow you around the Web...It takes even less imagination to foresee how information about your comings and goings obtained from the Google Latitude Doorbell could be used in a court of law.
It takes very little imagination to ….It takes even less imagination to ...
1. It takes very little imagination to foresee how fast competition in the adulthood would turn vicious; it takes even less imagination to foresee in what way vicious competition would influence friendships.
几乎没有想象力就能预见成年后的竞争会变得多么恶毒; 只需花费更少的想象力就可以预见恶性竞争将以何种方式影响友谊。
2. It takes little imagination to visualize what people would be like if they do not have access to education. It takes even less imagination to visualize what a country would be like if its people are, through no fault of their own, ignorant.
几乎没有想象力就可以想象人们如果没有受教育的机会会是什么样子。 如果一个国家没有自己的过失而无知,那么想象一个国家会是什么样子,甚至需要更少的想象力。
3. It takes little imagination to foresee that people’s awareness will soon be enhanced. It takes even less imagination to foresee that governments of different countries will take joint efforts and sponsor more scientific researches against the exacerbating environment.
几乎没有想象力就能预见到人们的意识将很快增强。 可以预见,各国政府将共同努力,并在日益恶化的环境中资助更多的科学研究,这需要更少的想象力。
1. Competition between friends always has negative influence on their friendship.
这道题简直不能同意更多,成年朋友之间一有竞争就容易友尽。用例句的话说就是,不难想象成年人之间的竞争很快就会升级成撕逼大战,更不难猜竞争变味后的朋友还能不能好好玩耍。 <<点击进入托福水平测试平台
2. Improving schools is the most important factor for the successful development of a country.
3. The most important problems that affect our society can be solved within our lifetime.
现在人类烦心的事是什么?看看帝都人民发明的APEC blue就知道了,环境啊。那环境问题能不能在我们有生之年解决呢?当然了,都已经水深火热成这样了,人民的环*意识肯定会*啊,过年过节放鞭炮的都少了;基层人民都行动了,各国还好意思围观么,当然得行动起来了。当年的敦雾霾一世纪就缓过来了,我们现在科技这么发达,心情这么迫切,很有可能环境问题几十年就解决了。所以这道题答yes就行了。 <<点击领取免费在线课程