
2020-08-11 13:40:04 来源:网络 作者:yun






  Some people think that some subjects taught in school are a waste of time, while others disagree and believe that everything studied in school is useful for students. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.






  1.Some people think that not all school subjects are worth the students’ time, yet others insist that everything students learn in school will help them in future.




  (2)Worth one’s time 值得某人花时间

  (3)Insist 坚持认为......

  2.Of all the school subjects that may be considered as a waste of time, the worst is probably physical education, followed by art and music classes. Even though obesity is an issue, those students who are severely overweight would never actually participate in sports but would rather just sit in boredom. So, when the sports class is mandatory and when students are not naturally athletic, they feel horrible about it and generally regard it as a waste of their precious school time. Likewise, it is argued that schools should not waste time teaching subjects like art or music since there is no special use in knowing how to draw a painting or how to play the violin, unless one has a natural gift for them.




  (2)Of all... 在所有的......之中

  (3)Followed by... 其次是......

  (4)Obesity 肥胖症

  (5)Participate in 参加

  (6)Mandatory 强制性的

  (7)Likewise 同样

  (8)A natural gift for... 对......的天赋

  3.However, the importance of taking PE, art, and music should not be under-estimated. Despite the increasing focus on the core academic subjects like science, mathematics, language, and social studies, it is necessary for schools not to cut programs in PE, art and music, for they contribute a great deal to the enhanced achievement in the core academic subjects as well as the overall health and emotional well-being of young children. For instance, students who have learned to play the violin will know better how to cope with their stress than those who have not. That is why nearly all schools in the world, even those with a tight budget, include PE, art, and music in their curriculum.




  (2)Under-estimate 低估

  (3)Core 核心的

  (4)Contribute to... 为......做贡献

  (5)Well-being 幸福;福祉

  (6)Cope with 处理

  (7)A tight budget 紧张的预算

  4.To conclude, though the importance of the core subjects can never be overemphasized, other auxiliary subjects such as PE, art, and music are also very useful. What schools should do is to strike a balance between the core subjects and auxiliary ones, and develop their students both academically and psychologically.




  (2)The importance of ... can never be overemphasized ......的重要性怎么强调都不为过

  (3)Auxiliary 辅助的

  (4)Strike a balance between... 在......之间达到平衡


  出国留学的优点(the advantages of disadvantages of study abroad) <<点击领取免费在线课程


  1.On one hand, people can have access to different educational resources when they pursue their study in another country. It is self-evidentthat everyone would choose a place that offers a more competitive and better education in certain field as the destination for their overseas studies. This explains the reason why bunches of young people flood into some countries for further their study, such as America or Germany. Under this circumstance, students will receive many materials that are more up-to-date and teachers can provide them with the latest development in their fields that differs from others.






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