
2019-12-04 15:51:30 来源:网络 作者:yawen



Task 1





1. 细菌生物入侵

2. 加别的营养物质给细菌会吸引别的生物破坏生态

3. 会让企业不在乎这个问题



1. 不会造成生物入侵,因为细菌吃完汽油就饿死了

2. 传统方法太慢而且生态平衡会很快恢复

3. 有其他产业的人在乎,所以公司必须在乎

Task 2   INDEPENDENT  独立写作




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Those who make donations to charity organizations should decide how to make use of the money rather than allow charities to decide how to use the money.


Donations made to charities have increasingly become an important source of funds to extend a helping hand to those in dire need: the underprivileged who reside at the bottom of social hierarchy, the poorest who cannot make their ends meet, the most unfortunate children who are bearing the brunt of rampant outbreak of epidemic. Yet, on the front of who should have the final say in how to effectively maximize the value of donations, I am convinced that it is in the best interest of everyone to leave the matter in the hands of the experts.


One persuasive argument to back up my stand is that donors who are the owners of the money might be justified in deploying their financial possessions in ways they see appropriate and desirable. After all, they have absolute ownership of the donations. Yet, if they know and want to specify the target subjects of their donations, why do they make donations to charities in the first place? They could have remitted money or posted their possessions directly to their favored recipients. If they do not know the recipients directly, it implies that they do not have full, adequate, precise knowledge of the situation their intended recipients are in, namely the characteristics of the demographics, what they genuinely need, and when and how best to help them. If this is the case, isn’t it wisest to leave the job to the professionals in the charity organizations, who have years of experience in this field and knows their job well?


Another equally noteworthy argument is that charity organizations have abundant resources to cope with the problem and are well aware of the challenges that lie ahead and how to cope with them effectively. Unlike donors who have only indicated parochial interest in a particular disadvantaged group or country as a result of their previous media exposure, charity organizations have a sophisticated understanding of the full picture. They know precisely who needs the money the most, despite public unfamiliarity with such group of people. The value of donations can only be maximized if they are intended for the poorest. A hamburger may just be an ordinary meal for an average person, but could save the lives of children who have been embroiled by starvation for years and are on the verge of death. In this respect, charity workers are more suited than donors to make the call on how to deploy the donations.


In conclusion, charity organizations are preferred decision-makers on how to use the donations, because they have professional expertise in the field and their experience and insights can ensure the money is used in ways that serves its purpose best.










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