
2019-09-10 13:23:50 来源:网络 作者:yawen



Task 1






1. Farming导致考拉栖息地变少导致 compete for the food resources所以数量少了*后lose connection(fragmentation)

2. Automobile collision/ busy and high speed roads intersect考拉找食物

3. Fencing-obstacle & dog will attack



1. Vegetation corridor-build narrow strips for passing away

2. Underground tunnels

3. Plant trees nearby the backyard & build normal and tall poles开缄 angle-make easy for koalas to pass

Task 2   INDEPENDENT  独立写作




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

When some students enter university they have poor study habits. Some people think that the university should require students to take courses on study habits


Nowadays, many students are enrolled in all kinds of universities. In this case, many first-year students may not adapt well to the new learning environment because of bad learning habits. In order to improve this situation, a claim has been filed. Some people think that universities should offer compulsory courses for students to cultivate their study habits, while others hold the opposite view. However, from my point of view, I support the previous statement. I will support my point of view in the following aspects.


First of all, these courses provide good services for first-year students and help them adapt to the University process. As we all know, there are great differences between high school curriculum and University curriculum, the former is more extensive, the latter is more abstract. In addition to the regular cultural courses, their majors also include psychology and so on, which need more research and exploration. In this case, if the freshmen still maintain their previous learning habits, such as rote learning, reviewing the course a few days before the exam, instead of actively referring to more reference materials and communicating with the professor, they may fail to pass the performance test to a large extent. Therefore, it is necessary to show the correct learning habits to the first grade students in order to improve their academic performance.


Secondly, these courses can also alleviate the anxiety of junior high school students to a certain extent. Entering a new environment, accompanied by high peer pressure, many freshmen are more likely to be anxious and lose self-confidence, especially when they fail in classroom tests or performance tests. Worse still, in some extreme cases, some of them may choose to drop out of school. By contrast, if students with this problem take this course, they will find that others may have the same problem. Only by correcting their study habits can they improve their performance. For example, in the face of sociology, how to conduct research and other issues, if they learn how to balance academic research and social research, they will feel more able to complete their tasks. Finally, it will rebuild their self-confidence and help them cope with stress properly.


It is undeniable that there must be different learning habits among students, which means that compulsory courses are not suitable for everyone, and good for everyone. For example, some people like early bird learning, while others like to concentrate on learning at night; some people can learn effectively through the guidance of teaching aids, while others tend to learn by themselves. There is no standard that all students should follow. However, as college students, they have the ability to determine which learning style is most suitable for them, and adjust and improve their learning habits accordingly, which is conducive to their long-term learning to a large extent.


Based on the above discussion, it can be concluded that universities should provide necessary courses for freshmen to change their learning habits, which will have a positive impact on their adaptation to universities and coping with stress.
















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