
2019-05-23 10:37:22 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编




Task 1





1. 减少学习其他课程的时间,如阅读和数学;阅读和数学对于*生是更为重要的;

2. 成本高。用于*大量书籍乐器和教师工资;

3. 实际用途不大尤其对于没有天赋的学生有天赋的学生还需要更多练习


1. 对阅读和数学有帮助。音符可以让学生了解分数可以促进语言能力

2. 招聘退休的志愿者教课减少开支适当收取家长费用乐器几届学生共用;

3. 有利于未来发展丰富学生生活

Task 2   INDEPENDENT  独立写作




Doing which activity do you think can help you to strengthen the friendship between you and your friend?

-having a good time together with your friend

-solving your friend's problem with him or her


Friendship is a good thing, the lack of which may cause unhappiness. It is therefore important to strengthen a solid one, and I think that both ways in the statement can lead to a better relationship with my friend.


Sharing a good time with my friend is undoubtedly the simplest and the most direct way to make them closer to me. Spending a happy time with him/her means that I care about him/her, wanting to bring my friend the happy moment as well. This is one of the most common ways to bring a new level of connection to a friendship. Without time spent together, whether it is happy or sad, I cannot even really know my friend about his/her hobbies and personalities as well. Exploring an unknown village or going to a live tour of our favorite band, for example, are valuable experiences since the excitement helps us relax from daily pressure and we carry these memories afterward. A good time together also means that we have common interests, and the majority of friends have fun based on the same interest, an essential part of a friendship that lasts.


A strengthened friendship, however, does not always necessitate happy moments shared; it also needs ones when I can help solve problems that my friend encounters. There is a possibility that we face a complex math question, a dilemma of choosing a major, financial difficulties at college or failure to pay mortgage and so on, and that we cannot make them out, so the first thing we can think of may be to get help from our best friend. Helping my friend sustain him/her through hardship is a sure indicator that I value him/her and do not want him/her to feel undervalued, especially in a hard time. It is easy to find someone to have a good time but is hard to find someone to have a bad one. This person can lead us to a long-lasting friendship because a concerted effort to overcome difficulties tends to be accompanied by the chance to share a good time thereafter.


Maintaining a strong relationship with my friends is never easy, requiring not only time commitments, but more importantly the shared moment when we face difficulties together in our whole life. Without both, our friendship does not endure.


本次新托福考试类似于旧题Which way do you think is the best for a student to make new friends?

A. Joining a sports team; B. Participating in community activities; C. Traveling;













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