2. Do you think that men and women have different attitudes toward shopping?
这个问题与很多相类似于有compare, and, or一样的词有相同的思路就是不能只说单方面。就这个题来说,太明显就是我们应该分别说一下,或者每一个点都做一下男女的对比。而不能只说一个方面。另外要告诉同学们,当你遇到一个不是特别会聊的话题的时候,对比是非常有用的利器,让你的素材一下子增倍。
男女在日常中的很多不同最终都或多或少反映在你买什么东西上。所以同学们可以先回答这个yes-no question,然后对比一下,男士买东西比较理智,上街买东西是非常有目的性的,如果要是买不到还一直继续逛下去的话就会比较崩溃。但是女同志就不一样了,上街有可能是只看不买,只逛街还要有同伴可以闲聊,是放松的一种手段,也可能是看看最新的物件,还有就是伤心难过了买一堆东西解气。
Yes, there's no doubt! Most men are more likely to spend cash in their hand sensibly. They only buy something which they really need with precise aims. If men shop for hours without any specific goals, they will definitely go mad and get tired of it. Whereas most women regard shopping for fashionable things as a routine. They shop with a few friends in order to chat and relax. Also, women are always curious to see what's new or in even
they're not inclined to really buy them. So there are distinct attitudes and behaviors between two genders toward shopping.
回答一般疑问句时,如果是肯定的,我们可以用definitely,absolutely,that's for sure, there's no doubt, I really think so;如果是否定的,我们可以用no way, not at all, I don't really think so, I really don't think so等来回答。